12 results for stemmed:chocol

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

(The list is a summary of three other pages of detailed notes, which are on file. To my surprise, when Jane checked the list with her own pendulum at about 8PM, before the session, she received definite answers that agreed with each item on my list. A qualification appeared only under the chocolate headings where Jane’s pendulum said she could use the dry malt mixes now in stores, as opposed to the regular old-time cocoa used in baking, hot chocolate, etc. I definitely did not expect such complete agreement on Jane’s part with my list.)

7) Chocolate in any form: Cake, ice cream, donuts, pie, candy, cookies, drinks or malts, puddings and sherbets, etc.

(Here, Jane’s pendulum said it was okay for her to use the dry malt mixes recently introduced in food stores, because these contained no emotional charge for her. But her pendulum stressed also that all other chocolate and products should be avoided.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 19, 1984 Norma Joe segments schizophrenic chocolate

[...] Georgia, Mary Jean, and Jan came in to kid around, eat chocolate-covered graham crackers, and drop veiled references to the birthday party they’re planning for me tomorrow. [...] They asked what my favorite cake was while telling me theirs — and I said chocolate with chocolate icing.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 20, 1984 Donald superbeing hero chocolate personage

(The crew at the hospital did have a birthday party for me, and even though I knew what they were up to, it was still a delightful surprise, what with their obvious good will and cheers, the cards, and the food — more than we could eat, at least Jane and I. Mary, the head nurse, made the chocolate cake with chocolate icing. [...]

TES7 Session 308 December 12, 1966 Gladys jcc Austin memo Nancy

(The memo pad slip used as the 80th envelope object is printed in a dark chocolate brown on a paper that is a rather bright orange brown of middle value. [...]

[...] It is printed in a dark chocolate brown on rather bright orange brown paper. [...]

[...] The large capital M of the word memo is in the upper left corner of the object, printed in a dark chocolate brown.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 4, 1984 devotedness panic moaning sniffles ham

[...] Jane also ate little, except for several cups of iced chocolate milk. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

[...] You will not get it like your chocolates (indicating the box on the table) wrapped up in a merry box. [...]

[...] You will not find it in the shelves of some store—and you will not find it chocolate-coated. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

(Jane ate a better lunch today — that is, not enough to keep a bird alive, but still an improvement over most of the month of July: A little soup, a little egg yolk, coffee, a little custard, chocolate milk, and so forth.

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

[...] He was like some kid admiring a box of chocolates; each piece representing one of his own talents, wondering which piece to nibble on first. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

And I drank brandy in my day and it was not hidden in tiny chocolate boxes... [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 5, 1984 funeral breakfast eating chucks uneven

[...] She did quite well, taking chocolate milk, coffee, a slice of toast and jelly, several bites of egg and bacon. [...]

TES6 Session 280 August 24, 1966 indispositions sprain hay Wollheim cheese

[...] (Pause.)Mints, not chocolate covered, will be of benefit. [...]

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

[...] You should avoid all chocolate in any form. [...]