3 results for stemmed:cheesecak

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

(A week or so ago Jane had invited the Lords, Cec and Jim, to the house for last Saturday evening. Saturday morning, then, as I was in Robinson’s lumber for parts for Jane’s chair, I met Curt Kent, who used to work with Cec and myself at Artistic; I haven’t seen Curt for perhaps two years, Cec since last Christmas. Jane also invited the Weissenbuehlers Saturday evening. When Jane called, Ellspeth told her she’d been working at fixing up or restoring an old chair—as I was working with an old chair for Jane. When they arrived Saturday night, Ellspeth and Heinz brought with them some homemade cheesecake. It happened that Saturday afternoon I’d taken a package of frozen cheesecake out of the freezer and thawed it out with the intention of serving it Saturday evening. It was still sitting on our kitchen counter when Ellspeth and Heinz carried their cheesecake in. Then when Debbie Janney arrived Saturday evening, she told me that she had just missed meeting me at Steiner’s photo studio earlier that week; going there to have a portrait taken, she’d seen by accident the enlargements of my parents that Mr. Steiner was making for me. I was due to pick them up the next day, and she asked Mr. S. to tell me she’d been there, but he forgot to mention it.

Now: there are obviously beneath the psychological areas that you recognize many other deeper layers of action and interaction. It is actually at those levels that the world of material activity is ordered and supported. It is beneath the usual cause-and-effect area that the true “causes and effects” lie. You have, again, perceived some small clues as to such inner behavior. These clues are seemingly oddly assorted ones involving such issues as cheesecake, the repair of an old chair, old photographs and a photography shop, and the meeting of an old acquaintance after some period of time.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

[...] The longer visit, with the cheesecake woman, was meant to give you a closer look at the kind of person who gives lectures about us, and so forth—so she was symbolic of others. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

[...] Sunday they returned: Rusty and Dr. Hal from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on their yearly visit to us with a cheesecake. [...]