Results 421 to 440 of 602 for stemmed:characterist

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

His characteristic posture worked for what it was, and it was locked together in all of its parts. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

[...] Beside Ruburt’s “natural leaning” (in quotes) characteristic dislike of families then, there was the “outsiders” argument, and you were often put in the middle.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 1, 1973 improvements tomatoes badminton tendons mobility

While the condition reigned there was a characteristic overall body position and method of behavior that operated as a whole, and in line with his beliefs. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 Gert Jason Phil Bette Alpha

[...] And in all cases, the ego that you know develops and learns, and this alters the nature of the self that you are now, and it changes the characteristics of the ego as you presently think of it. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

[...] Reading this book, you may be able to point at friends or acquaintances and see clearly that their ideas are invisible beliefs which limit their experience — and yet be blind to your own invisible beliefs, which you take so readily as truth or characteristics of reality.

NotP Chapter 4: Session 769, March 29, 1976 bisexual sex sexual heterosexuality love

[...] Those same abilities are natural characteristics of people in each race, of course, yet you have consistently made the same kind of distinctions in racial terms as you have in sexual ones, so that certain races appear as feminine or masculine to you. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

Man’s creative alertness, his precise sensual focus in space and time, and his ability to react quickly to events, are of course all highly important characteristics. [...]

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

[...] He allows his spontaneity freedom in sessions because he knows that you will carry on for him those usual sensory characteristics that he temporarily dispenses with.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 643, February 26, 1973 Andrea inferior beliefs aggression opposing

[...] Such beliefs have a strong depressing characteristic that can lead you to shut down powerful feelings by immediately considering them negative.

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

[...] Her body began to slowly lean against the right arm of her chair in what has become a characteristic pose, for both her thyroid activity, and therefore her energy, are still below par even though she’s been out of the hospital for 24 days now. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

The Christian concept of heaven with its riches, God and his bounty, the source of nature itself—all of this in our terms was a symbolic structure describing in storybook terms the attributes and characteristics of Framework 2.

NoPR Introduction by Jane Roberts Sumari guide spirit Cyprus Speakers

[...] Sumari refers to a “family” of consciousnesses who share certain overall characteristics. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

The entity sees the whole event, the whole person-event, with the time element, or age in your terms, as simply another characteristic or dimension. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

[...] An idea must have certain characteristics, for example, that agree with physical assumptions before it turns into a recognizable event. [...]

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] This time an effort being made to right those characteristics.

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

The next chapter will describe what you may call my present environment; my present “characteristics,” and my associates. [...]

[...] Certain personality characteristics are important too, I imagine — the agility with which I can switch the focus of my consciousness, for example.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 2 poems peach moons aesthetic poetry

I’m including in this chapter a few poems as notes of a subjective autobiography, to show what events triggered this first release of unconscious material on my part, opening the doors to the interior universe; for now I believe that certain personal conditions are characteristic prerequisites for such developments, that the channels of intuitive knowledge are opened according to the intensity of individual need. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

[...] You will then help perpetuate the “characteristic” climate to which you travel.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 667, May 30, 1973 defects Indianapolis radio driver restructure

[...] Characteristically, some personalities prefer lifetime experiences in which accomplishment and development follows an even course. [...]

TES9 Session 445 November 4, 1968 Martin Club Lions telepathic Emma

[...] Because of your love of images, and Ruburt’s love of words and rhythm, you will both still utilize these characteristics. [...]

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