Results 41 to 60 of 457 for (stemmed:caus AND stemmed:effect)

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972 beliefs unexamined assess coughing power

(Pause.) Because ideas and beliefs have this electromagnetic reality, then, constant interplay between those strongly contradictory beliefs can cause great power blocks, impeding the flow of inner energy outward. [...] These can effectively dominate certain areas of activity.

Your effective power of action follows the lines of your beliefs. [...]

He was a study, a living example, of the effects of conflicting unexamined beliefs, a fierce and yet agonized personification of what can happen when an individual allows his conscious mind to deny its responsibilities — i.e., when an individual becomes afraid of his own consciousness.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1979 taxes groin paying kitty hassles

(I’ve received various answers from the pendulum on the background causes for my upset; not really contradictory, by and large, but signifying to me that in spite of my concern I hadn’t been willing to buckle down and really work at uncovering the beliefs causing the unrest. [...]

[...] I was personally quietly disgusted by the whole affair, and told her I’d cheerfully dispense with whatever was causing the upset, lest it turn into a chronic physical inconvenience. [...]

4. I do resent paying the taxes.
[All of these contribute to the physical effects.]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Every thought is a cause and every condition an effect. [...]

[...] Here then is a source of power and wisdom that places you in touch with omnipotence, or the power that moves the world, guides the planets in their course, and causes the sun to shine. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

[...] When you are thinking in terms of cause and effect you cannot glimpse that greater meaning. [...]

Scientists look for the objective most of all, and clear-cut cause and effect. [...]

Your organized patterns of thought cause you to look in all the wrong places, usually for the wrong reasons.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

Because mental enzymes seem to give the same effects most of the time in your system, your scientists blithely label these as laws of nature; that is, the apparent laws of cause and effect. If you’ll forgive a pun, because a certain cause will usually give a certain effect in your physical universe, you may be justified in saying that the apparent results are laws that operate within your system. [...]

What I am trying to say, is that there are apparent rules of cause and effect, but the same causes do not always give the same effects. [...]

[...] The state of dissociation that you reached can be used most effectively. [...]

TES9 Session 488 June 18, 1969 local defeat mess incident cybernetics

You saw for example the therapeutic effect of your brief shopping trip to the mall, and the overwhelming effect of a simple emotion like laughter and different surroundings, to break up a difficult depression. [...]

This allows the inner self to work much more quickly and effectively. [...]

[...] (I didn’t.) I suggest that you give instructions to the effect that a portion of you will remain alert in sleep to such an encounter. [...]

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

Using the senses developed on a particular plane to perceive its characteristic camouflage patterns, it is almost impossible to see beyond these boundary effects. [...] The appearance of an expanding universe is also caused therefore by this distortive boundary effect, resulting from the interaction of which I have just spoken. In some cases the distortive effect could be likened to the reflection of a solid tree in water.

[...] The expansion is an illusion, based among other things upon inadequate time measurements, upon the limited cause and effect theories; and yet in some manners the universe could be said to be expanding, but with entirely different connotations than are usually used.

[...] The phenomena that are given as evidence of this kind of expanding universe are the result of camouflage instruments, distortive ideas of time, and the resulting cause and effect theory.

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

(Lying down for a nap late this afternoon, Jane heard a loud noise within, then felt what seemed to be a blow within her head—that is, a rather strong jolting without any external cause. [...]

[...] She displayed no particular voice effects. [...]

[...] Illnesses and various minor and major physical symptoms are often caused as the subconscious tries to speak out, in an effort to make itself heard by the unheeding conscious mind. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate

[...] For many reasons, physical activity at night has a different effect upon the body than physical activity during the day, and ideally, both effects are necessary.

[...] However, this could be done far more effectively with two, rather than one, sleep periods of lesser duration.

As many light snacks would actually be much better than three large meals a day, so short naps rather than such an extended period would also be more effective. [...]

TES5 Session 207 November 10, 1965 electromagnetic static range heard Instream

The volume in Ruburt’s case was caused by proximity, among other things, and if I set up a small sound very close to him, so that it has an explosive and loud effect; but it was directed in such a manner that it was in a large measure closed off. That is, I affected the physical system but only a small portion of it, but then directed the effect purposefully in one direction.

A small note here: my candle effect was quite legitimate the other evening. [...] The reason is simply that conscious knowledge of such an effect would inhibit him, regardless of his best intentions, and the energy used would block the action or effect that I was trying to deliver.

[...] Actually this caused an interruption of action, in order to make the source of the communication stand out in his mind. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] For this is the only way that change will be effected. And if your generation or any generation would ever effect a change—this is the only way change will be effected. [...]

[...] When you are violent for any cause, the violence returns. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

Such dreams will be greatly effective, but only for a short period of time unless the conscious mind faces the beliefs that have been causing the imbalance. [...] These dilemmas condition consciousness to believe its position to be even more precarious than it was before, and its sense of power and effectiveness is greatly reduced.

[...] You become more responsible, then, in a particular way for physical effects that, comparatively speaking, are “instinctive” in the animal. [...]

Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies, and one of your most effective assets as connectors between the interior and exterior universes.

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

You insist upon a continuity and a seeming cause and effect because of the erected wall barrier that you yourselves have constructed. [...]

[...] You are bounded by your cause and effect theories. [...]

Only in this case the hallucinary effects are actual constructions upon the plane in question, and involve problems that must be worked out. The hallucinations appear more or less consistent merely because everyone on that particular level is under the effects of self-hypnosis, and because they have already constructed hallucinary senses, the outer senses, in order to perceive the hallucinary world that they have created.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

Another way to do this is to recognize through examination that the physical effects you meet exist as data in your conscious mind — and the information that formerly seemed unavailable will be obvious. The seemingly invisible ideas that cause your difficulties have quite obvious visible physical effects, and these will lead you automatically to the conscious area in which the initiating beliefs or ideas reside.

[...] But it causes your physical experience.

[...] Not that Ruburt need regulate his, but that his distraction or impatience causes the cat to overreact.

TPS4 Session 828 (Deleted Portion) March 15, 1978 undreamed anniversary clarified automatically he

[...] For now, let me say that in his writing and psychic activity he has learned to largely forget the levels of consciousness that are limited to cause-and-effect and time continuity.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 4, 1971 Ron tale strobe fable movement

Now karma does not operate in terms of cause and effect though it seems to you that it must. [...]

All That Is is now, yet within All That Is, are all potentials for development even now, simultaneously, being expressed and each action causes another action, in your terms now, without end. [...]

TES4 Session 159 June 2, 1965 cure sufferer illness program unsolved

The trouble with many health programs for recovery is that they cause the sufferer to focus upon his illness more than ever. [...] Our program for your friend will almost immediately include a brief but effective suggestion that should be given before sleep, and at various times during the day.

[...] She had no ill effects from the session.

The man is using his own energies less effectively, since so much of them are being consumed in nervousness. [...]

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

Time is merely the effect caused within a given system by the system itself, operating upon a mental action as the action enters within its framework.

[...] The human psyche adds its own distortive effects, and it is of these that we have been speaking. [...]

[...] The appearance of this time is caused by the apparent changes or transformations of the action as it enters any given camouflage field.

TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

Because mental enzymes seem to give the same effects most of the time in your physical universe, your scientists for years blithely labeled these as the laws of nature, that is, the apparent laws of cause and effect. Now because, if you’ll excuse the pun, a certain cause will usually give a certain effect in your physical universe, you may be justified in saying that these apparent results are laws that operate within your physical universe. [...]

What I am trying to say is that there are apparent rules of cause and effect, but the same causes do not always give the same effects. [...]

[...] And here again we have your cause and effect, misapplied. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 540, July 6, 1970 ghosts apparitions repetitive pseudoappearance rewashing

The same mechanism that causes a disturbed woman, say, to perform repetitive action such as a constant washing and rewashing of hands, also causes a particular kind of apparition to return time and time again to one place. [...]

[...] Only your interpretation of their actions can cause difficulties. Now in the middle of life, of life conditions, you also appear on occasion as ghosts in other levels of reality, where your “pseudoappearance” causes some comment and is the ground for many myths — and you are not even aware of this.

[...] Again, there are exceptions where memory is retained, but as a rule ghosts and apparitions are not any more aware of their effect upon others than you are when you appear quite unconsciously as ghosts in worlds that would be quite strange to you.

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