Results 161 to 180 of 457 for (stemmed:caus AND stemmed:effect)

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

Now these may be the result of one specific belief, or caused by a complex of beliefs held together.

[...] I would like to make one point here, however — that often psychoanalysis is simply a game of hide-and-seek, in which you continue to relinquish responsibility for your actions and reality and assign the basic cause to some area of the psyche, hidden in a dark forest of the past. [...]

[...] If you find great exuberance, health, effective work, abundance, smiles on the faces of those you meet, then take it for granted that your beliefs are beneficial. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

[...] The intellect on its own — so it seems — must deal not only with the problem today, but with its effects in the projected disastrous tomorrows. This well-intentioned concentration, this determination to solve the problem, this rational approach, then causes an even deeper sense of inadequacy. [...]

All of this material applies to your lives in general and to Ruburt’s physical condition, because you must be clear in your minds as to your own status in that regard, and much of this material will clear the air and dissolve lingering doubts; doubts that cause both of you — but Ruburt in particular — to hold on to the rational approach in a misguided effort to maintain what he thinks of as a balanced viewpoint and open mind. [...]

The rational approach, built up around this framework, insists that the best way to solve a problem is to concentrate upon it, to project its effects into the future, to ruminate upon its consequences, “to stare at the bare facts head on.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] I told Jane part of that value lay in the fact that we waited until now to play it, when she has decided to try to uncover her own causes and effects. [...]

[...] The reading offered no specific insights into the causes behind Jane’s troubles, although this would be difficult in such a short time span.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1984 cans Cardwell fever Maude Betts

[...] I began to feel uneasy—that the cause wasn’t really physical. I used the pendulum briefly in the bathroom while Jane was having a cigarette, and learned that the bothersome effects were caused because I hadn’t been working on Dreams as much as I felt I should. [...]

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

[...] The effect was something like an allergy or cold, although the pendulum told me it was neither. [...]

[...] At your present stage of development with the pendulum you get a reaction that could be compared to a closed circuit, where the energy is directed into the past, into the personal subconscious too abruptly, and too intensified, and is not yet allowed the release of discovering full causes, which would then release not only that energy, but the energy that has in the past gone into the formation of various physical ills.

[...] Even in your desire to discover such original causes of physical ills, a part of you sets up resistances, new ones, which take additional energy.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] Your world is presently based so upon the ideas of cause and effect that precognition is frowned upon. [...]

[...] That idea of death usually serves as an effective block against such future explorations.

The causes of the eye “difficulties” are as given. [...]

TES9 Session 440 October 7, 1968 joy preoccupation Pat life conditions

Underneath is the real cause, and this basic cause is behind all those that I have previously given you, in your own background.

[...] You are demanding that it behave in certain ways, and take courses that you have consciously set upon, and you are refusing to gladly accept life as life, as its own reason and cause within you.

[...] The pace had been fast and emphatic, with occasional mild voice effects. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 654, April 9, 1973 reprogram past neuronal present biologists

A new belief in the present, however, can cause changes in the past on a neuronal level. [...]

In somewhat the same way, a strong belief in a particular ability generated in the present will reach into the past and effect whatever changes would have had to occur there (with gestures) in order to now make the ability apparent.

[...] Scientifically, you can only probe those effects that appear within your present. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 14 radio illness action Sue shoulder

[...] … The effect of any thought is quite precise and definite and set into motion because of the nature of its own electromagnetic identity. [...] These effects change the actual molecular structure of the cells, for better or worse, and because of the laws of attraction, habitual patterns will operate. [...]

The situation can be serious in varying degrees, according to the impetus and intensity of the original cause behind the illness. [...]

[...] Any hightened sensation, pleasant or unpleasant, has a stimulating effect upon consciousness to some degree. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 828, March 15, 1978 imagination begrudge storms men early

The imagination has always dealt with creativity, and as man began to settle upon a kind of consciousness that dealt with cause and effect, he no longer physically perceived the products of his imagination directly in the old manner. [...]

[...] You grant that the weather has an effect upon your moods, but any deeper psychic or psychological connections between you and the elements strikes most of you as quite impossible.

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1981 ness singularity participation single child

[...] The creative abilities join the creator and created (long pause) in a behavior in which for example, now, the painting that is to be affects the creator of it before its inception and before its form, so that the two are connected in a kind of behavior in which at deeper levels the ideas of cause and effect can have no meaning. [...]

TES5 Session 214 December 6, 1965 discotheque napkin Washington dancers ultraviolet

For the actions are spontaneous basically, again, and the effects exist so swiftly that it is impossible to say that one occurs before or after the other, or causes another. [...] When you viewed such a gigantic motion with a slow camera, then you would get the effect that you receive within your system, of a continuous time. [...]

[...] This is not however your cause and effect theory at all.

[...] Much of this is the result of the limitations of the physical organism, but much more is the effect of the development of the ego, which attempts to set itself up and apart from action.

TES3 Session 144 April 7, 1965 knot Lorraine Belgium narcotics action

[...] As in the case of your own illness, Joseph, you perceived the physical effect of the mental action, which was but a small portion of the event.

[...] There is strong concentrated energy turned inward, but it is not turned inward far enough to be effective.

[...] The knot of energies is indeed caused by fear, and it can be dissolved. [...]

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] Your plane seems to deal with cause and effect, but this is in itself a necessary camouflage. In actuality there is no cause and effect as you think of it. [...] For a particular interval you must be taught as if there were cause and effect, so that the result of spontaneity would not end up as chaos. [...]

[...] I would like to repeat again the fact that in many instances, and with exceptions, ideas not fully constructed on your plane not only have great force but are also freer from the effects of physical laws. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 795, February 28, 1977 sex feedback dreams slate species

[...] The child plays at being an adult, and is a child again when his parents call, so the effects of the game are not long-lasting. [...] So in dreams, the events have effects only while dreaming. [...]

[...] Feedback from the physical environment may trigger an alarming dream that causes the individual to awaken.

[...] Some rival physical events in intensity and even effect. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

[...] Before, there was a sinus drainage backup or buildup, caused by tension. [...] That buildup, caused by tension, “caused crystallizations,” or deposits, that toughened the tissues. [...]

[...] These attitudes cause you to try to maintain some solitude while believing it is almost impossible to achieve, and so this of course is your experience.

Your feelings and beliefs that you were not have caused difficulties, and of course your experience.

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

Effects would seem to be evidence, and therefore when you probe into seemingly empty spaces you will receive effects which will be evidence. [...] You know wind by its effects. No one has seen wind but since at times its effects are so observable it would be idiocy to say that wind did not exist. Therefore you will come up against the basic stuff of the universe and feel its effects, though your outer senses will not necessarily perceive it.

[...] This is caused of course by the typical camouflage distortion effect, which occurs on almost every plane to some extent.

Mental enzymes have a chemical effect or reaction on your plane. That is they can be observed on your plane through their chemical effect in it. But the effect itself is a distortion. On other planes the distortion effect may not be chemical at all. [...]

TES2 Session 78 August 10, 1964 immersion system props outer closed

A closed system as a concept is also closely intertwined and dependent upon the distortive idea of time as continuity, and the resultant cause and effect premise, which we have already considered earlier. [...]

[...] All so-called closed systems are caused by a limiting of perception, a narrowing down of distinction, a subconscious agreement that the props are real, and that boundaries exist. [...]

[...] Your lack of success lately with psychological time has been to a large measure caused by too great a conscious concentration upon the task. [...]

TES2 Session 61 June 10, 1964 intervals antimatter pulsations negative instantaneous

This refers me back to your false cause and effect theory. [...] Time does not cause change in matter, appearances to the contrary. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] You have again fallen into the habit, negatively, of considering your achievements in other areas as insignificant—(louder:) in light of Ruburt’s condition as if they caused his condition. [...] His condition was caused by a set of beliefs, and so was everything else in your lives. [...]

Part of the book will deal with mass suggestions and their effects, and benefits. [...]

[...] What I am saying is that questioning the nature of reality does not cause physical difficulties per se. [...]

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