Results 21 to 40 of 69 for stemmed:calm

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

(I stayed over an extra half hour, trying to help her calm down, and seemed to eventually make some headway there. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 29, 1983 fund Maude climbed rarefied enterprise

—that can appear most arduous at times, when you begin to think about the work involved, while the other part of you goes calmly on, bringing the books to the public one by one, so to speak. [...]

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

[...] If you consider them as beliefs that you hold, both of you, then you should be able to discuss them calmly, and understand what happens. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

In like circumstances with the pendulum, you might ask it: “Are you saying this to calm my fears?”

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

[...] You will both be better off however for this evening’s session, and I think you will notice an assured, calm, yet sure increase in Ruburt’s energies. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 5 Sunday, April 18, 1982 claim integrity gland published rewrote

[...] I had calmed myself down too far, disciplined myself overmuch, until my only hope was to change my course at once.

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

[...] These came as she wished however, quite calmly and objectively, and it was easy for me to make notes.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] And the, I hope, the delightfully human egotistical characteristics that I show help calm your fears and show you that the self as you think of it, continues to exist. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 13, 1981 wholeheartedly restrictions motivation tube recognition

[...] Still, Ruburt was uneasy that the woman would accept the situation so calmly. [...]

TMA Session Fifteen October 1, 1980 daytime rhythms dinner agriculture hypothesis

[...] “I can’t have a session on it because I’m too involved — you have to calm down before you can do that. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

[...] They found themselves alone with the Seth material, their paintings, and other manuscripts of Ruburt’s. They had been using a mild version of self-hypnosis to produce a calmness and reduce any panic. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session February 9, 1976 ideal taxes expression mutilate envision

If you have difficulties again, speak to the concerned areas gently, in a calming fashion. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 18, 1979 soda contemplation Maalox stomach disapprove

[...] She doesn’t know whether she can “calm down enough to do more on the piece or not,” although I’m sure she will. [...]

TES2 Session 74 July 27, 1964 director authority gallery polishing porcupine

[...] The back exercises and the subsequent calmness will hasten the time when Ruburt is able to dispense with a dependence upon cigarettes.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

Such an exercise is not some theoretical, esoteric, impractical method, but a very precise, volatile, and dynamic way of helping the present self by calming the fears of a past self. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

When you realize this, then you can accept seeming setbacks, or seeming contradictions, with a calm detached air, realizing that such factors appear as they do only in the light of your present intellectual knowledge—a knowledge that must be limited to current events—and that in the larger picture known to you at other levels, such seeming contradictions, or seemingly unfortunate situations, or whatever, will be seen to be to your advantage. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

[...] The first thing is to get Ruburt calmed down again. [...]

TPS7 The Fred Conyers Story Sunday, October 17, 1982 Fred police Denver coat Pittsburgh

[...] Fred did this very calmly. [...]

NoME Introduction by Jane Roberts impulses ourselves disclosures Introduction our

[...] The day may have been calm or distracted by unexpected guests, or marked by any of life’s normal domestic ups and downs.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

[...] If you are convinced that feelings are dangerous, then again that belief itself will generate a fear of all of them, and you may become almost panic-stricken if you display anything but the most “reasonable” calm behavior.

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