Results 1 to 20 of 34 for stemmed:brick

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

(“The impression of stairs or steps. Something ascending in this fashion, you see.” Here Jane gestured positively that something rose on the object at perhaps a 30-degree angle, perhaps less. This is my estimate. There are no steps shown on the object, but the brick walk is in perspective, and rises perhaps at a 20-degree angle from left to right. The separate bricks in the walk, which are not cemented together incidentally, could perhaps have led to the use of stairs or steps.

(“and graduating, as something graduates in size perhaps.” Since the brick walk in the photo was photographed in perspective, there is a graduation in the size of the bricks. They are largest in the lower left hand corner of the object, tapering up to the right border.

(Seth continues in answer to the first question: “A visual connection, with square or rectangular objects in the center of a larger area”, refers to the rectangular bricks marching up across the center of the object. “with modern connotations as a design might have.” refers to the very modern, rounded or circular design of Marilyn’s ceramic cat. “Perhaps connected with spindly lines or strings.” refers to the abstract pattern created, in line form, by the narrow crevices and shadows around the individual bricks, all these lines being interconnected.

TES9 Jane’s Impressions for the Crossons May 20, 1969 twin orator academy battling brother

(I saw a brick structure... [...]

ECS1 Impressions (For Jack and Mabel Cross) May 20, 1969 (By Jane Roberts) twin orator academy battling brother

I saw a brick structure—don’t know whether or not it was a riding academy—had a very wide entrance—related to the accident mentioned before. [...]

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

[...] She said the color purple could apply to the brick facing depicted in the photograph. [...] Our dog sits before the Bronx, NY, house of Jane’s aunt; Jane said she well remembers the peculiar blue and red cast of the bricks. I saw the house once some years ago but have no conscious memory of the brick color.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 792, January 24, 1977 events shared cellular network rose

[...] When you build physical structures you pile brick upon brick. [...]

TES8 Session 394 February 19 1968 sculp cross wife Pitre hanging

[...] A strange connection in this respect, not at all clear; having to do with bricks or the laying of bricks, and a prior incident leading up to this that happened in 1963. [...]

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

[...] With oval brick arches out in front of the windows. [...]

[...] But she doesn’t know whether it is of brick or wood, for instance; she last saw it about 1952. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] At least part of the time I was in a brick-walled room partially underground. [...]

[...] Part of the time I was also outside of this brick room. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

(Five items could be the station wagon, a cup of coffee, a pile of bricks, paint-stained khakis, and the world itself; but this is open to other interpretations, we would say. [...] I do not know what to make of the reference to hills, unless it is a rather far-out connection with the “pile of bricks” simile in the script.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 29, 1983 fund Maude climbed rarefied enterprise

[...] With a young agile man, I’d climbed up the rough outside red brick wall of an apartment house—several stories up, at least, and climbed in through a window into my own apartment. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 4, 1984 ginger ale decisions dreaded limping

[...] “Like even if I give one that’s at the bottom, like a brick at the bottom of a building, I know the ones up at the top of the building.”

TES4 Session 188 September 15, 1965 astral downstairs Hagel Bob plastic

[...] I’m waiting for them to totter down on us like a pile of bricks.” [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Bernice predestination aristocratic slums justification

[...] A man walked out into the street and was killed by a falling brick. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 7, 1978 mental nasty apprehended language processes

When I say “You create your own reality through your thoughts,” you, meaning anyone, have a tendency to imagine each thought as a small brick, a psychological object, each one being formed into the structure of your experience. [...]

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

[...] Something to do with bricks. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 827, March 13, 1978 heredity council Emir character counsel

[...] If buildings are constructed of bricks quite visible, so mass events are formed by many small, invisible happenings — each, however, fitting together quite precisely in a kind of psychological masonry in which each of you has a mental hand. [...]

TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 primary secondary clock gravity conditions

[...] (Pause.) On a corner by a large brick building, red building. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] Perhaps his attempts to reach us are often like battering at a brick wall. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] For example, I was thinking of the Los Angeles earthquake, one man walked out into the street and was killed by a brick. [...]

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

[...] A brick building, the meeting not on the ground floor. [...]

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