Results 81 to 100 of 1464 for stemmed:both
[...] You are both apt to have rather absolute ideas at times. [...] Often, however, you both have a tendency there to think in black-and-white terms.
They were also meant to show appreciation for your work, jointly, when it seemed you needed it, and therefore to revive both of your spirits. [...]
[...] He is quite open often, say, to making love, as you know now, but earlier you colored your reaction to him often through the pessimistic cast that both of you had allowed to slip over your perceptions.
(9:22.) You are both provided for. [...] Your intellect does not have to know the answers to all of your questions—but both of you use the last few suggestions I just gave you daily. [...]
(Both of us were down yesterday, myself actually for a couple of days. [...]
[...] Actually, I regard the attitudes and beliefs of her sinful self as the key to Jane’s recovery, since better attitudes there will leave her free to automatically restore mobility, both physically and psychologically. [...]
[...] He has been doing his own kind of energy exercises, involving the particular “sore” (the ulcer on her coccyx; it’s slowly closing), but I suggest that he does one of those exercises faithfully every day, and that both of you simply see the area healed. [...]
You have the fear of the symptoms themselves, and this applies to both of you. The symptoms are still being projected into the future, and often (underlined) by you both. [...]
Both of you, remembering the article you read this evening (about Picasso), should keep in mind the immense energies of the inner self to solve such problems, to set the personality aright, and literally get it back on its feet. [...]
If Ruburt shows a bad bout of symptoms then often you both become extremely fearful. [...]
You personally expressed feelings that both of you had had, and then both of you were appalled by the feelings and used them as springboards. [...] The expression of feelings was therapeutic, and a part of the entire healing process, as far as it involved the both of you.
[...] She learned much about both the contract and the interview.
Now: Few people would see any connection between William James and Scott Nearing, and yet both were in their own ways peculiarly concerned with “the American soul.” [...]
Emerson, Whitman, to some extent Thoreau—these were men who spoke of self-reliance, either in the natural or the spiritual world, or both. [...]
(8:19.) You have both tried to handle the situation by yourselves, and that statement applies to you both. The approach is quite characteristic of you both, all in all. [...]
[...] The hope continues to manifest itself, and both of us feel much better. [...] Both times worked well. [...]
[...] It helps bring about the kind of mental atmosphere that is conducive to healing at all levels, and it involves you both at the same time. [...]
In your cases, you both began to concentrate upon the negative elements. [...]
[...] Since her death many have written to both sympathize and to ask “Why?” She had Seth, didn’t she — for whom she spoke for some 21 years; she also produced six books with him along the way (plus a number of books on her “own”). [...] She could have lived for another 20 years, say, and contributed even more to our knowledge, both with Seth and by herself. [...]
[...] Instead, I see each one of us as traveling a most curious and branching-out or circuitous route, one that is creative in ways that are both known and, I’m sure now, unknown.
[...] Even so, I think, ultimately we come to understand, whether on conscious or unconscious levels — or both — that we were utterly ourselves while learning along the way.
[...] In the session Seth postulates two men, both portions of myself, who represents the conflicting sets of beliefs I’ve carried for years. [...]
Personal, now: both of you know all that—that is, the material I have just delivered. [...]
[...] (Long pause.) You have always sensed more than you knew, both of you, so in that area Framework 2 has represented a natural affiliation with your conscious selves. [...]
[...] By then we were both quite upset, although I think Jane’s unease stemmed more from my reaction to the noise, than it did from any noise itself.)
[...] Both papers he has done on beliefs (this week) apply as beliefs—the one involving you, and today’s.
The paper written today should be discussed by both of you so that those ideas are brought completely into the open where he can consciously and intellectually examine them. [...]
(Both men approached me at the party, at separate times, and introduced themselves; both recognized and called me by name; I did not recognize either of them. [...]
When there is close rapport between the two of you, then this helps on both of your parts in several important ways. You both automatically then add to the health and well-being of the other. [...]
(For the last several days Jane has been telling me about a string of insights and realizations she has been experiencing, both asleep and awake. [...]
[...] Both of these chapters will bear on reincarnation as it applies to death, and some emphasis will also be given to death at the end of the last reincarnation. [...]
(Carl and Sue Watkins, both members of Jane’s ESP class, were witnesses to the session. [...]
There was no empty space, no new road, only the way before you both, that would necessitate your treading upon these jottings and transposing your footsteps over those that were there.
(By now, both Jane and I were highly suspicious of the origin of these messages; we suspected subconscious sources. Needless to say, while using the pointer both of us were very careful to see that we did not consciously move it.
However, you have both learned how to deal with annoying situations, and you are better equipped now. [...]
[...] But you have both progressed enough in your understanding that the situation should pass without too much difficulty. [...]
(In the mail today Jane received a book I’d sent for at her request a few days ago; then we’d both forgotten about it. [...]
[...] You both hit a period when for the moment your work was done —a time of creative regeneration.
[...] He has determined not to backtrack, for example; but both of you must remember that creativity is playful—that is, that you must not try too hard, that you mentally look the other way now and then, and not watch the pot boil all of the time.
[...] He should feel free anytime to walk, and if it is ten times a day, the both of you should be grateful—for he continues his progress. [...]
[...] The overly conscientious self on both of your parts to a strong degree becomes a composite personality. [...] You have both largely, except in your work, now, cut spontaneity from your lives; your habits are so set.
Before you moved here you imagined, both of you, what oddities you would be in the neighborhood, and exaggerated your differences from others. [...]
[...] Why not—since Ruburt was nicely expressing the overly conscientious selves of both of you?
Now: you had of course other problems that he was not experienced enough to see, and at the time the sessions began you were both at a low point. [...]
It was no coincidence that you both took today off. The freedom was excellent for you both, and I am simply giving you the opportunity to regenerate your energies. They are not at low ebb, but an excess of energy will serve you both well during your symposium.
It dabbles in both your future and your past, speaking now in your terms. [...] It operates in both the waking and the dream state. [...]
[...] Still, there are psychological balances that always operate when the overall personality gestalt is operating effectively, as it is in both of your cases.
It is therefore the director of all activities, both in the waking and dream condition. [...]
My heartiest wishes to you both. [...]
My heartiest wishes to you both. [...] The personal contact last evening was good for you both. [...] There is a healthy interchange of energy now between you both. [...]
You are both learning new methods and approaches, whether you realize this or not. [...]
[...] The energy generated continues to generate more energy, and more will be available for you both to use. [...]
[...] Now both of you will move.
Part of the reason is the negative input that you both are responsible for. With the negative and destructive attitudes you had before our sessions, you are both very lucky that you did not run into more difficulty.
You both often lack perspective. [...]
Both of you however have a tendency to dig inward, and to concentrate upon negatives. [...]
[...] Both of you however still overemphasize the entire situation.
With your inner consents, I have been making some adjustments in your own energy fields, that will be more beneficial and allow you both to benefit from the good suggestions given, one to the other.
My heartiest regards to you both, and a fond good evening.
(The idea in using the same object a second time in succession was to see whether Seth would come up with the same, or similar, impressions, both times. Seth does deal with some of the same impressions in both experiments, using different language each time, and this will be indicated where we think it occurred.
(Personally I believe it quite likely that Seth was perceiving impressions related to the object in some manner, or concerning the object itself, in both sessions. There are a total of 45 impressions from both sessions, and it seems that many of them were relevant to the object in some way.
[...] Without opening her eyes she took the envelope for our 53rd experiment from me, then pressed it to her forehead with both hands. [...]
Your creative drives became a part of what I am, so that what I am includes the strength of both of your creative drives. I believe that you both must write and paint a reasonable amount of time daily. [...]
[...] I did not think Ruburt would work unless he was chained to his chair, so I chained him, both to do his own work and force you to do yours. Then you both fought me. [...]
[...] I do not care if both of you die poor, but I do demand that you live using your abilities.
[...] All of what I am has been, and is, to keep you from falling off the fine line of concentrated, intensely concentrated, creative endeavor (pause), that is the purpose that drives you both.