Results 21 to 40 of 1464 for stemmed:both

TPS2 Deleted Session July 19, 1972 Nebene intercourse purchased car pride

Now all of this can be remedied by interaction on both of your parts, and the willingness on both of your parts to give-and-take and not be afraid. Both of you often try to hide in your work from normal daily intercourse with others, and to make your work carry the burden of your humanity. [...]

Both of you had to acquiesce to some extent in the situation. He did not choose for example a way of action, even physically, that would go against your style of life or ideas, but cleverly wove these into ideas you both initially deeply believed in. [...]

I am bringing this out so that you understand, both of you. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 30, 1974 sportsman contribution financial specialized painting

Ruburt used his body as a symbol of the entire situation, and the symptoms as a way of maintaining privacy, and lack of distraction on both of your parts—again, inhibiting sexual freedom, spontaneous outings that threatened both of your ideas. [...] You were both happy when he showed some improvement, because neither of you wanted physical disability carried too far, but as soon as he showed signs of being free enough so that he could really take a trip, or dance, you both clamped down. [...]

With a different focus, you for example can paint and write, utilizing both abilities to the best, and sell both. [...]

At the same time, and somewhat because of your attitudes, he felt his womanly reality a threat to both of you as artists. [...] It is happening on both of your parts, and I am bringing it to the surface of your attention.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] You both made many artificial divisions there, but over the years you became determined, both of you, to spend as much or more time at your work as our hypothetical working man in the factory.

[...] The change of beliefs and feelings, the acceptance of freedom mentally, will vastly accelerate both of your creative abilities, releasing on both of your parts energy that has been withheld.

Left alone, you would both work many hours, but under completely different mental conditions. Left alone, you would both have altered your schedules simply because creative work enjoys variety. [...]

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] Election Day sales are mentioned specifically in the headings for the sales described on both pages 11 and 12, from which the object was torn. [...] Blue is referred to both on the object itself on the page 11 side in the line: Norwegian natural blue fox… etc.; and is torn through on the page 12 side in the line referring to a sale of thermal blankets: White, green, pink, blue, gold. [...]

[...] The object is covered with words on both sides, of course. Note, re mail, is referred to in the mail and phone lines of type on both sides of the object, as noted under the telephone data interpreted on page 159.

[...] In both instances you appear to be physically perceiving, and so you are. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

The freedom that the house and the money represent is extremely important to both of you. [...] His physical symptoms were the result of methods or habits of dealing with himself and the world, and of attitudes that both of you shared for the greater part of your lives.

Since you both held those attitudes and saw those beliefs everywhere reinforced, naturally enough in your experience, then in the overall it would be most miraculously unusual if one of you did not physically retreat. [...] But overall that way of life, to some extent has suited you both.

[...] It was because I knew this that I was relatively severe in our last session—wanting to make sure that both of you made the best use of that important advantage.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 solve compounds defects perfectionism problem

[...] He actually concentrated upon Seven, typed it creatively, walked several times a day, began to help with meals and with the house, and comparatively speaking you both had a fairly good week. Then, once again, you both began to concentrate upon the problem. [...] You both became frightened, and there is no need to blame yourselves.

[...] At Ruburt’s last visit to your dentist, both of you decided that his position was embarrassing, that it put you both in a bad light, that his condition spoke of invisible defects. [...]

[...] The problem is, therefore, compounded to whatever degree—and when I give you both such reasons, then sometimes you use them, the two of you, to add to your private and joint self-disapproval.

TPS5 Deleted Session June 11, 1979 ideal define executor contraption Yale

(Pause.) You appeared as both young men. [...] The amphitheatre stands both for the world, and for the dramatic action of your lives, in which your ideals and aspirations are actualized or played out to whatever extent. [...]

[...] You are both quite lucky, in that in your main work you can deal directly with the ideal. [...]

[...] Both of you were concerned with the ideal. [...]

TPS1 Session 393 (Deleted) February 14, 1968 discipline spontaneous integration unreasoning propulsion

His necessary job was to combine the two, for in him the intuitions and intellect are both strong. To use his abilities fully both had to operate smoothly and simultaneously, and give each other freedom and elbow room. [...]

The development of abilities, your introduction to me and the sessions, came because both of you realized that a rigidity was settling in upon you. The pendulum had swung too far over in both of your cases, to a discipline that became static and frozen. [...]

[...] He saw both personalities as frozen, finally, and he thought: if spontaneity and discipline are both false roads, then where do I go? [...]

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

The dream universe and your own are both actualities, and both separate systems that are interconnected.

[...] Yet beneath both limbs I felt the presence of the bed. [...] Good duration for both effects.)

These particles attract and repel, both.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 29, 1977 Darwinian Freudian Darwin teeth competition

Yet those terms influenced you both. [...] The self could be trusted least of all, however, so that Ruburt felt a necessity to criticize his procedure and performance, lest he was leading you and he both down a Freudian garden path.

Now when either of you, or both of you, feel that there might be something wrong in spending your time thinking, writing, painting, or worse, daydreaming, you feel that way because your way of life meets some conflict from old Darwinian and Freudian beliefs: you should be out there in the world—active, competing, or even just riding bicycles. [...]

For example, Ruburt’s latest status, and your somewhat natural concern with the temporary walking difficulty—you know what I am referring to—I say to you that the concern is natural; for it certainly seems so to both of you. [...]

TPS2 Session 648 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1973 Eulenberg linguistics Michigan verge photographs

[...] The therapies begun are continuing in more concentrated fashion, and I want both of you to note improvements, to take it for granted they are occurring, and literally to say, as Ruburt did, “To hell with it, it is happening.”

There are some things to happen that I am not telling you about along those lines, but you must both take it for granted that freedoms exist now to be expressed.

[...] He visited us a few weeks ago, in connection with Seth and linguistics, etc., and photographed us both in color.)

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

[...] Poetry and painting were both functional in ways that I will describe in our next book (humorously, elaborately casual), and “esthetic.” [...] His specific art (pause) was both his method of understanding his own creativity, and a way of exploring the vast creativity of the universe—and also served as a container or showcase that displayed his knowledge as best he could. [...]

I want you both, then, to understand that in the greater light of creativity, understanding its true meaning, you have taken the right course, and therefore drop from your minds any lingering ideas of conflict and doubt. Such a stand will automatically clear up all problems involving things like taxes, sex roles, or whatever—on both of your parts. [...]

[...] What about the writing you did—both for our books, and the writing that you sometimes plan to do on your own? [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 26, 1972 repressed release ambiguous conscientious Elgersma

[...] Both of us liked it here. [...]

[...] You have both done well communicating your feelings lately. [...]

[...] Together this helps both of you. [...]

TPS1 Session 589 (Deleted Portion) August 4, 1971 ascent woods defined steps represents

The dream also shows his willingness to follow you in both cases, and emphasizes your confidence in his abilities. [...]

The man represented the reason for the symptoms—the dark side, which you both decide to avoid. [...]

It means that you have no more association with it, that you leave it in the woods from which you both emerge for the ascent.

TES9 Session 445 November 4, 1968 Martin Club Lions telepathic Emma

Both you and Ruburt, in your dream states, have already to some degree become acquainted with what your work will be. Because of your love of images, and Ruburt’s love of words and rhythm, you will both still utilize these characteristics. [...]

[...] The periodic clearing away in which you and Ruburt both indulge is beneficial from several viewpoints.

Both occasions panicked you. [...]

TPS2 Session 599 (Deleted Portion) December 8, 1971 montella alphabet language cordella dyniah

[...] This applies now to both of you. Now you both handled emotional situations involving you both more or less in the same manner. [...]

A bridge serves those both coming and going, and carries goods in both directions. [...]

[...] I am taking it for granted that you are both determined to clear the air and set yourselves to a new level of achievement and freedom. [...]

TPS3 Session 792 (Deleted Portion) January 24, 1977 pithy curtains disagreed january acquiesced

I am keeping my mental eyes on you both. [...]

Your changes in the house represent other breakthroughs, and a certain centering that is important and beneficial to both of you. [...]

End of session—and a fond good evening to you both

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

Now, you both had much to do with bringing these events about. [...] On both of your parts, the boy’s visit will show that you have once again enough energy to use elsewhere.

You will indeed have the opportunity to help this Peter at a very important time in his life, and his meeting with you will change the direction of his life; both inspire him and set him firmly and safely on his feet.

The healthy exuberant feelings of all your anticipated guests will also benefit you both, and you will be able to help them. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

Your other attitudes, mentioned earlier, continued, and the more the world seemed to knock at your door, however gently, and the more the mail came, the more convinced you both became that your solitude must be protected. [...] To that extent, Ruburt does speak for both of you (as Jane said this noon), and in your own way both of you rewarded him for creative material, and withheld approval for any tendencies that ran counter to those mentioned attitudes.

[...] You both had at that point decided not to concentrate upon family life. [...]

You both felt that the development of those abilities must be protected, lest the need for financial security lead you into full-time work on a long-term basis. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 8, 1979 Marian customers Wolinsky posture defeating

[...] I read it last night; Seth answered my questions about what he sees when he looks at me, both as himself, and through Jane’s eyes. Very interesting, and material both of us had forgotten many years ago.)

(Both of us have been rereading Seth’s own resolutions for the New Year frequently, as given on January 1, 1979. [...]

[...] Because of both of your attitudes, you felt that a method should be cautionary. [...]

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