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WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 1, 1984 6/24 (25%) choked recovery panic tougher pillow
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Starting Over
– Chapter 14: Nirvana, Right is Might, Onward Christian Soldiers, and the Human Body as a Planet Worth Saving
– August 1, 1984 3:13 P.M. Wednesday

(Today Jane looked and acted somewhat better, following our talks and actions yesterday. I brought in the sessions for February 5 and 6, and read them to her after lunch. I selected them at random this morning, but picked just those I wanted, for their import is that Jane has no disease, as Seth has insisted all along. In other words, I told Jane, she doesn’t have to surmount any physical debilitating disease that has bacteria or germs or microbes attached to it, and is labeled “incurable.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The session for February 5 even stressed that the same energy that healed her right leg could also straighten it. I tried to go easy with what I said to her today, but ended up fearing I had overdone it in my eagerness to get things started. I thought Jane might get confused, being bombarded with so many ideas and suggestions from so many angles.

(She did agree to try for a session, however, even though I thought she didn’t feel up to it. I’d mentioned her doing so, so as to help her use her creative abilities, since they are so much a part of her, whereas in times before I’d thought of asking her not to use those same abilities because I felt they were making her worse. I think that now I’ve learned — and hope to help teach Jane — that there’s nothing for it but to use one’s abilities full blast in every area — and that that resolve and action will conquer all and set her free — physically, creatively, and mentally.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(3:21 Jane was again half crying. She felt panicky, which meant we were close to something. I asked her what it might be, but she didn’t answer enough for me to pursue the subject.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane lay so quietly, eyes closed, head tipping toward her left on her pillow, mouth open, that I thought she’d fallen asleep.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(3:36 p.m. Jane asked me to read the session to her, and tell her what I thought of it. I said it was very good indeed — just what I’d expected and hoped for. It showed a resurgence of hope, that all was not lost. Jane wasn’t so sure about the recovery, but I said I thought I’d seen signs of that the last few days, and now felt it would happen. Her appetite was slowly improving. Her arms and hands rest easier, and overall she seems a little more relaxed. I want to try more suggestion, like I’d done yesterday. I told Jane I realized it would be tougher for her to realize these things, but that I thought events would prove them out.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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