1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 7 may 18 1984" AND stemmed:statement)

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 1/40 (2%) games pill Rakin edgy pregnant
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 7: The State of Childhood in Relationship to Health, and Hints for Parents
– May 18, 1984 3:48 P.M. Friday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The mail from Prentice-Hall is increasing considerably, whether or not this is in line with Seth’s recent statement that an increase in sales of the books is under way. Batches of fan mail have arrived the last three days. Already I’m way behind, and feel that I’ll never get it answered. In fact, today was the first day in 330 that I didn’t answer at least a few letters from readers. It gave me a strange feeling of freedom; the afternoon seemed stretched out, or longer. I believe I’m on the point of renouncing the fan mail, or most of it. Perhaps I’ll take the time from Dreams to work out a final fan letter — including Seth’s — to send folks who write. One I can sign, and that’s it.

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

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