1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 5 april 17 1984" AND stemmed:jane)

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 17, 1984 9/17 (53%) eradicate resistance current home infections
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 5: Suggestion and Health
– April 17, 1984 3:58 P.M. Tuesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] I told Jane that if she ever improves, it will be because certain parts of her give permission. [...] In ordinary terms her behavior is an extreme — and I added that when I asked Seth about this, he countered by talking about the extremes of poverty in Africa, say, but he said precious little about Jane per se. [...] Nor did Jane ever return to the subject. [...] I have no plans to resume, for I always ended up feeling that without my pushing, Jane — either with or without Seth — just would never deal with them. [...]


(I think that whatever fears of life Jane has are the result of conditioning early in life, and that they have successfully resisted all attempts to dig them out. My saying that such a course of bodily harm is pointless is beside the point, when one considers how deeply they have ruled Jane for many years. [...]


(This is Jane’s first session in five days — her longest recent break.


(Jane’s been pretty blue lately, wondering whether she’ll ever get home again. [...]


[...] When Seth began saying that Jane would resume walking in reasonable comfort, I at first believed him, but soon came to not believe him, for I saw no sign of such a change even beginning. [...]


(Jane’s Seth voice today was quiet, and I had to listen in competition with noises outside and in the halls.)


(“That’s it, right at this minute,” Jane said.


(4:08 p.m. I read the session to Jane. [...]


[...] I even think that when Seth told Jane a few weeks ago that her broken right leg could straighten itself out, this generated more fears right there — that it couldn’t do so, and so forth. [...]

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