
1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 2 januari 31 1984" AND stemmed:let)

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 31, 1984 1/24 (4%) dealer optimism car migrations Monarch
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– January 31, 1984 4:30 P.M. Tuesday

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

(Jane and I talked about her legs, motion, and so forth as I was getting ready to leave at prayer time. She then said that she’d picked up something from Seth — to the effect that we should live each day without worry as best we could, and let the future take care of itself. I’m probably not quoting her completely or correctly here, since I didn’t write down what she told me. She can add information, if necessary, after reading this note, and I’ll incorporate it in tomorrow’s session. I’m curious.)

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