1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 2 januari 26 1984" AND stemmed:jane)

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 26, 1984 9/32 (28%) inbred predispositions attitudes Ronald sunny
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– January 26, 1984 4:08 P.M. Thursday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The temperature was about 33 degrees as I left for 330. Jane had the window of her room wide open, and the place was still hot. I began peeling off clothes layer by layer. I told her about my dream of last night: I’d been in my writing room and I heard Jim Baker, our optometrist, in my studio. He was talking and using an occasional cuss word in a rather humorous way. I heard his voice clearly. I knew that Jane was in the house somewhere, that she was walking perfectly all right, and that Jim had come to see her, not me. I wasn’t concerned or jealous.

(As we talked before lunch came, Jane shed a few tears. She wanted to get up and get out of bed and start walking — without waiting. I told her of the insight that came to me as she talked. It was that the body healed itself at a rate prescribed by its circumstances — that actually it could heal itself very rapidly if it was unimpeded. Thus, being in a hospital with all the negative suggestions could operate telepathically as well as overtly to slow down healing. The insight, which is hardly original, popped into my mind when I asked Jane why the healing was taking so long, in response to something she said. I hoped Seth would comment.

(After eating an excellent lunch, Jane told me of her own long and complicated dream of last night. She was with Ronald Reagan and one of his daughters. She talked him out of his nuclear-arms policies, and out of the devil — and evil — idea. She was very pleased in the dream at her success. She also said there was more she couldn’t remember.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:30. Dana took Jane’s temperature — 98.6 — perfect. Jane had just started reading the session for yesterday. She resumed, doing pretty well, at 3:40. I did mail.

(3:58. I rubbed Jane’s right temple at her request, and got a good reaction when I pulled my finger away finally: “I feel so light — it’s great. I can even feel it in the crook of my elbow — there must be a nerve there.” She said she wanted to have a session.)

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(“Well, you can say something about the dreams if you want to … How about Jane’s dream?”)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(4:37 p.m. “Well, I’m glad I asked about those dreams,” I said. Both of them were very good, and should reinforce Jane’s progress and attitudes.

(“I knew he was going to do something on the book,” Jane said. “I have the feeling that the book’s going to be The Way Toward Health,” she said.

(I told Jane that Seth’s opening line for Chapter 2, about possessing a group of attitudes toward oneself and toward life, at birth, runs directly counter to establishment theory that the newborn is like a blank slate, to be imprinted through teaching and experience. This would be especially true of behaviorism. She laughed.)

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