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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 6, 1984 3/32 (9%) surgery disc Diana Billy employees
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– February 6, 1984 4:33 P.M. Monday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(The above is a partial list of staff members who have had serious medical problems that we know about since Jane came into the hospital last April 20. These are people we have come into more or less regular contact with in our own small circle in the hospital. Magnify their number proportionally amid the 1,000 or so employees at the hospital, and what sort of percentage of sick employees would you have? A high one, I think.

(Jane was singing to herself when I got to 330 today. She’d called last night as I was finishing the session. I worked on Dreams this morning, and mailed our letters to Maude Cardwell on my way to the hospital this noon. The day was just above freezing. Jane went to hydro this morning. She said she was singing to herself down there too, while waiting, and an attendant came in to ask her what was wrong.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(4:45 p.m. I forgot to tell Jane about a dream I had last night. Not very elaborate: I’d dreamed that I’d been visiting some friends, a married couple, I believe, and that they had a number of cats of their own in the place. Our Billy was there also. When it came time for me to leave, I started hunting around to find Billy. Each time I picked up a cat, I discovered that I didn’t have Billy. All of the cats were marked more or less similarly, yet there were enough differences in color and pattern so that I could know Billy when and if I found him.)

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