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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 20, 1984 8/16 (50%) couldn Jeff vitamin Shannon worrisome
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– February 20, 1984 4:27 P.M. Monday

(This is Day 19 of Jane’s new campaign.

(She called me last night. I told her that I’d called the two people who’d sent us donations. After breakfast I called to see if the bank was open today, since I wanted to open the account for Jane’s hospital fund, but it was closed for Washington’s birthday. I answered Christmas cards for half an hour, then worked on Dreams.

(The day was cooler — 39 — when I left for 330. Jeff was in to check Jane’s bedsores after she got back from hydro. He took her off the antibiotic, and wants her to take extra vitamin C to get her urine even more on the acid side. He suggested she start trying to lay on her right side also. Jane’s feet look improved again. Her coughing and blowing has subsided somewhat, her temperature is normal.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:26. I read Jane yesterday’s session. My idea in it, that we should forget the concentration on health problems for a while, was one that she’d had herself this morning, she told me, in surprise. She was still quite upset about the eye business, and so was I, although I didn’t think there was anything wrong with her eyes.

(3:45, Carla took Jane’s temperature — 98.4. I read to Jane the session for February 17, concerning impediments in health versus her utter freedom in writing. I started on the mail.

(4:09. Shannon brought Jane some vitamin C in ice cream. Jeff wants her to take this four times a day.

(The heat was off in 330 and the window was open as Jane held the session.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(4:32 p.m. I read the session to Jane while she had a smoke. Seth at least verified some of my ideas. I told Jane that his promise of giving more material doesn’t usually work out — I’m aware of a number of such references he’s made in this series of sessions. The additional material never comes through. I said I’d either have to keep a list, and keep bugging her for the information, or she’d have to keep the instances in mind. And I couldn’t see her doing that, especially if often she never even sees the typed session, but hears me read it to her. So I’ve stopped pushing for continuances of the promised material. I know it’s there, and that in certain cases at least, it would be very helpful if we could get it.)

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