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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 8/22 (36%) Rita mopped heparin styles freer
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– February 15, 1984 4:32 P.M. Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane had more blood taken this morning, during breakfast. She slept well and went to hydro. Her temperature is normal, and she’s down to the one antibiotic, Bactrim. She ate a fair lunch. Rita brought in some potassium and vitamin C that Jeff wants my wife to take, evidently as the result of a test. Rita crushed it and Jane tried it with Hawaiian Punch, which she didn’t like.

(After her lunch I read to Jane the same two sessions I’d read her yesterday — for February 1 and 5. I told her that my question for Seth is, why did the fever business start after her initiation of Day 1 of her new program? There must be many connections.

(Jane tried to read yesterday’s session, but couldn’t do it very well, so she laid it aside for a smoke. She showed how she had considerably more motion in her entire left arm and hand, especially at the elbow. She’s mentioned changes in the hands several times lately. Then she showed how she also had more motion in the right hand and forearm. Her feet, both of them, also moved, and felt freer, she said. The splotches on her feet are again much improved. It appears that her body generally is showing signs of more changes, as though it’s getting ready for them. Seth has forecast this. Jane hasn’t moved much at all for a long time. I read her yesterday’s session.

(It was 4:20 before either of us realized it. I tried doing mail, without getting anywhere. At 4:30 I rang for an aide, since the medicine bag was empty on its pole at the head of Jane’s bed. As we waited, Jane decided to go ahead with the session. “I’ll try to keep my voice down,” she said. The window had just been closed: I’d been bothered by traffic noise as I tried to read to her. Her Seth voice was indeed on the quiet side.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:35. Rita came in to do something — what I don’t recall, since I didn’t note it down. I read what she’d given to Jane. Resume at 4:39.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(4:50 p.m. Jane said Seth “could have gone on and on.” I regretted the lost opportunity. She said she’d tried to reach the platform Seth had described in the last session, and as I’d suggested she try to do, but with limited success. Yet she’d achieved something, so it was worth keeping on with for a while, I said.

(I also reminded Jane that we hadn’t gotten an answer from Seth to my question about why all the fever business started right after Jane had put her Day 1, 2, 3 program into effect. She said we’d try again tomorrow. I pressed the call button again — and Leanne came right in to unhook my wife, and give her a shot of heparin in her heparin lock, to keep it open for the next IV.

(Jane had another excellent episode of increased motions in both arms and hands as I was getting ready to leave, and in her feet also. I encouraged her to keep it up even if she was alone, and if she called tonight, to give me a progress report. I love you, Jane.)

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