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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 6, 1984 10/20 (50%) nurse interferon rebroke tandem leg
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book, and Some Important Comments About Exuberance and Health
– January 6, 1984 4:22 P.M. Friday

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(Jane was okay, although she said she’d had another long wait before and after hydro. Things aren’t too well organized, or are too busy. Jane got blue over the hydro situation, the waiting, new people lifting her and not knowing how, etc. I met a couple of new nurses or aides myself. One looked in for a moment after her own therapy — didn’t look good, Jane said. My own theory is that the people who work there get sick of it after a while, and then get sick in order to get a rest or a vacation with pay.

(Jane ate a good lunch, though, in spite of having some spasms. I told her my scratching had subsided considerably since yesterday. “There’s only one answer,” I said in answer to her news about the hospital. “I know,” she said, “and that’s what I’m trying to do.” Truly, I added, it was the only way to get rid of all the basic negativity in the place. I sometimes wondered why Jane’s body didn’t recognize that to an even more profound degree, and see to it that her physical body healed itself even more rapidly so that we could get out.

(3:16. Jane began reading yesterday’s session, and did quite well — better than yesterday. She was done at 3:25, while I worked on mail. At 3:36 a new nurse came in to take her temperature — 98.2. At 3:50 another nurse took her blood pressure.

(After holding a session on November 10, 1982, Jane went eleven months before her next one on October 9, 1983. In the meantime, she’d gone into the hospital on April 20, 1983. Now, starting at 4:00, I read her portions of some of the sessions she’d held since resuming them in October. There are many good points therein, and I don’t want to lose track of them. Jane did say that she wanted to have a session. We’d wondered about her lack of physical motion to any great degree recently.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(4:29 p.m. I read the session to Jane. We thought his comment about the sinful self might have come about through my reading to her earlier today my question to him of last October about what part the sinful self might be playing in her challenges.

(4:45. I wanted to exercise Jane’s right leg while she was still on her back, as Seth suggested I do each day, but she decided to wait until I’d turned her. I also massaged with Oil of Olay the toes of her feet, as Seth had mentioned doing. The right leg moved well. Jane said the toe touching sent sensations up her legs — as Seth had said it would.

(As I drifted off into my nap at 5:15, after finishing my dehypnotizing massage of Jane, I remembered the dream I’d had last night. After the nap I described it to her, and said I’d wanted to do so earlier, so Seth could comment if he wanted to. I’d dreamed, in color, that Jane rebroke her right leg several times in the same place. Insurance hassles were involved also. I woke up stewing, and finally had to get up from my chair to take some baking soda to relieve my stomach. I slept well after that.

(After a few minutes, Jane said the dream could have been related to the injuries the nurse’s aide had suffered to her own impaired leg — the one that had been stapled inside that I described in a recent session. The doctor’s negative suggestions to her could have been involved.

(Then Jane told me that she, too, had had a negative dream last night. A woman she met had cancer of the face, and was taking the drug interferon as treatment. The woman told Jane that Jane had the same kind of facial skin that she had — with all of its negative suggestions.

(It sounds almost as though Jane and I had our worrisome dreams in tandem. We agreed that they represented fears on our parts — that they weren’t literal or precognitive in any sense.)

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