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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 3, 1984 9/33 (27%) Syria Assad Jackson airman Jesse
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book, and Some Important Comments About Exuberance and Health
– January 3, 1984 4:50 P.M. Tuesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(I left the house for the post office and to take Jane’s typewriter in for cleaning. So I was twenty minutes late getting to Jane’s hospital room 330 this afternoon. The day was warmer — 32 degrees.

(My wife was late getting back from hydro* — the staff was very busy. The tray was late also, but Jane ate a good lunch.

(3:15. Jane began reading yesterday’s session — and she did very well, even better than yesterday. She finished at 3:35. “If your eyes keep improving,” I said, “maybe eventually you’ll end up with weaker glasses.” She was obviously surprised at the thought, but then, why not? Mine had improved a few years ago.

(3:40. I cut Jane’s fingernails and toenails. The job went easier than it used to — and indeed, the doubled-up fingers on her right hand loosened up considerably as I worked on them. Another improvement, I told her.

(4:01. A new nurse named Betty took all of Jane’s vitals. I worked on mail as Jane had a piece of candy and a cigarette. I thought she was going to pass up having a session, it was getting so late, but finally she decided to have a short one as the time to turn her on her side arrived.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(“Oh, it’s me,” Jane said.

(4:56 p.m. Jane said that as soon as she gave the last sentence from Seth she thought the title of the book would be The Way Toward Health. She didn’t actually pick that up from Seth, it just came to her. And I told her that her statement reminded me that the same thought had come to me a couple of times previously after I’d been pretty sure that Seth was giving book work.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“The minute before I said I was going to have a session, that idea came into my mind,” Jane said. “I knew it was from Seth.” She hadn’t had time to mention it to me before the session began.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Of more importance, it seems on the surface at least, is a reaching-out on Assad’s part toward a dialogue with the Western world — quite an unexpected development, I thought. As I discussed the events of today with Jane, and watched them on TV, it came to me that they might signal at least a beginning of those very beneficial world events Seth had referred to for the coming year in the session for December 28, 1983. Jane didn’t know, and I’m not leaping to any conclusions. Seth had referred to “many countries changing their alliances,” however. Syria is now allied with Russia. Fascinating to follow, I told Jane.)

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