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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 22, 1984 9/22 (41%) Georgia Maude herniated myelogram balmy
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book, and Some Important Comments About Exuberance and Health
– January 22, 1984 4:07 P.M. Sunday

(The temperature was 5 below when I got up at 6:30, but it was up to 15 when I left for 330 at 12:30. On the way to Jane’s room, I stopped in Surgical 1 to give Georgia the unicorn we’d bought for her yesterday, and the poem Jane had written, which I’d transcribed onto the card we’d also bought. Georgia is to be operated on next Tuesday.

(In Georgia’s room, I met a nurse who used to take care of Jane. She’d had the same operation, a myelogram, that Georgia is to get for a herniated disc. She gave Georgia plenty of negative suggestions while I was there: “You don’t get over something like that very quickly,” etc. Later this same nurse dropped in to say hello to Jane. “I sure hope I don’t get her to take care of me,” Jane said after she’d left. “I want to get out of here.”

(Jane ate a good lunch. I told her about my very vivid and colorful dream of last night. She and I had been walking — hiking — along the banks of the Susquehanna River toward Sayre. We wore very bright and colorful clothing. The day was a beautiful balmy summer one. There were friends with us, and they offered us rides to our destination. We refused. Jane especially insisted on walking along the riverbanks. Her strides were perfectly normal and agile; she was in excellent health.

(I also told Jane that beside the dream I’d like Seth to comment on the fact that I’d awakened this morning with Maude Cardwell on my mind, including the letter I’d written her a couple of weeks ago. I’d almost forgotten about it. I wanted Seth to comment on Maude’s reaction to the letter. I told Jane that I wanted her to know the question in case we heard from Maude this week, say. I figured there was a reason I was thinking about her this morning so definitely. Jane agreed that we might hear soon.

(2:38. Jane put on lipstick, then looked at herself in the mirror — briefly.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:39. Jane did much better now when she went back to reading the session. Carla took her temperature at 3:45 — 98.1.

(Jane said she’d have the session early, so I could watch the Super Bowl, which was to begin at 4:30, but I said it didn’t matter all that much. I’d be sitting in my chair and taking a nap during part of the game anyhow.)

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(4:14 p.m. I read the session to Jane. “That ought to make you feel better, especially that part about the dream,” I said. Jane agreed that she’d been stewing about getting better, getting out of the hospital, even more lately than I’d thought she was. She even wondered “if they have any kind of wheelchair I could use to get around in …” I said I doubted if she could fit in any kind of chair until her doubled-up right leg began to open up more. But the important thing is that that desire is now present, and will certainly bear results — good ones. She’s now expressing serious desires about mobility that I can’t remember her voicing for many years. The changes are in the works, and Seth has given many encouraging bits of information that they are having, and will have, an effect.

(To help reinforce positive attitudes about the great days of change that are coming, I read aloud to Jane the personal parts of the sessions from January 13 to date. They helped her considerably, reminding her of some points she’d temporarily forgotten. It’s easy to let a good point slip away as the sessions pile up day after day — but those bits of information can always be retrieved through review. We’re doing better at that than ever before.)

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