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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 21, 1984 9/34 (26%) movie Cecce animals Georgia unicorn
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book, and Some Important Comments About Exuberance and Health
– January 21, 1984 4:11 P.M. Saturday

(Last night had been very cold — it was still 5 below when I got up at 6:30 a.m. After breakfast I ran the car to do several errands, getting the budget bills ready to mail, and so forth. Monday I pick up Jane’s typewriter.

(Jane told me that she’d had her catheter changed at 11:30 this morning, and had just finished having her dressings done before I arrived. She ate a good lunch. While she ate I described my reactions to and thoughts about Quest for Fire, a well-known movie of a couple of years ago that I’d seen part of on television’s Showtime channel while eating supper last night.

(I said I was most curious that Seth comment, since what the movie showed was so at odds with his material on early man in Dreams. I expected there to be a great difference, but watching our early history as shown in the movie made life seem impossibly grim 80,000 years ago. I didn’t see how our ancestors had survived, were the movie accurate. It had to be wrong — for all it depicted was savagery, on the parts of animals, apes, dogs, man, cannibals, and so forth. “If anyone lived to be even 20 years old under those circumstances,” I told Jane, “it would have been a miracle.” There was no compassion, no intuition; little understanding revealed by the characters in the movie other than the emotions of bloodlust, survival of the fittest, and selfishness. It certainly offered no insights into how the human young were cared for over the long period necessary while they simply grew.

(On my way to 330 Georgia called me in to her room and said she’s to have some sort of back surgery next Monday or Tuesday. She’s also being moved to the first floor — Surgical 1. I have a toy unicorn I’ll be giving her tomorrow, along with a verse Jane wrote. Both are clever and creative. Here is Jane’s verse:

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(3:18. Jane began reading yesterday’s session, but had hard going at first. She did a little better as I worked on mail, then quite good as she read the last page. “My eyes started coming in better,” she said at 3:22.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:55. Shawn took Jane’s blood pressure and pulse, then my wife went back to reading the session, doing a little better. Jane announced she was ready for the session at 4:10. She’d already told me she thought Seth would comment on the movie.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(4:28. A nurse came in to give Jane eyedrops. Afterward I read Jane what she’d given on the session. I mentioned that men and animals must have been cooperating even while still largely in the dream state. Resume at 4:37.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:43 p.m. “It’s me,” Jane said after a pause. She’d done well. I was particularly glad to get Seth’s encouraging words about her own condition, for she’s still impatient for more improvements to take place.

(With Carla’s help, Jane called me at 9:47 p.m., just as I was finishing typing this session. I told her the temperature was already down to zero. Sleep warm and cozy, Jane.)

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