1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 1 januari 19 1984" AND stemmed:was)
(The temperature was only 18 degrees when I got to 330. After a minor snow storm yesterday afternoon and last night, I’d shoveled the driveway late last night and early this morning. No calls this morning. I forgot to call our lawyer early, and when I did think of it I said to hell with it and continued work on Dreams. On the way to the hospital I stopped at the post office to mail Lynn Lumsden a copy of a fan letter we’d received, offering us a year’s free ads in a crossword puzzle magazine.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(3:00. Jane began reading yesterday’s session, and did quite well. She was through in 10 minutes or so — quite good. I did mail.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(3:42. After Shawn took her temperature — 97.2 — Jane began reading her third session for the day — that of January 14 — and did even better on this one, fast and easy, I felt. She was interrupted by staff giving her eyedrops and taking her blood pressure, and finished that session at 4:02. She said the type has been “as good as any I’ve ever seen — it cleared up amazingly at times.” This after I’d realized she was indeed doing very well reading.
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
(“Thank you, Seth,” I said at 4:32 p.m. His advice was as excellent as always. I felt relieved, and will try the technique. I plan to type it separately where I can keep it in view in my writing room. Maybe on the desk itself. I told Jane I thought the question had been triggered by the session material today, especially that concerning Leonard.)