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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 11, 1984 10/22 (45%) Sasquatch Ph.D Steiner leg Carol
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 1: The Purpose of This Book, and Some Important Comments About Exuberance and Health
– January 11, 1984 4:23 P.M. Wednesday

(I haven’t typed yesterday’s session, on Sasquatch. I had to shovel the driveway — about four inches of snow — since snow had fallen most of the day, and I didn’t want a mess out there today. Jane called me last night, courtesy of Carla, and she said Debbie Harris also visited. Debbie is a true friend indeed.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Last night in the mail I found Carol Steiner’s Ph.D. thesis on the Seth material, which she’d promised in November. We knew a year ago she was writing this for her doctorate in philosophy. Quite interesting, but as I told Jane, it reminded me of just what a task it is to start at the beginning and present an explanation of the Seth material. From our viewpoint I suppose it seems like more is left unsaid than said — but this may always be true in such cases. Carol wants to publish the work, and asks about a Butts-Roberts biography — something I think we’ll probably pass upon. I’ll write our publisher, Prentice-Hall.

(Jane ate a good lunch. She tried re-reading the session for January 9, but had trouble. Her eyes kept changing; at times she could see well. Seth has mentioned this acclimatization of the eye muscles. Most of the time Jane had trouble, trying to read around being given her vitals, and finally she gave up. We forgot to ask Carla what my wife’s temperature was. I made an attempt to answer the mail, but didn’t do well. The time seemed to be gone before we could get anything done.

(I did remind Jane that in yesterday’s session Seth hadn’t addressed the question I’d mentioned to her at lunch time — why were we such extremists in our behavior, considering the severity of the symptoms, and so forth? Jane did want to have a session this afternoon.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(4:30 p.m. Jane felt better. I told her that Seth didn’t go into our questions about his material in yesterday’s session, concerning changing the past from the present, nor did he comment on Carol Steiner’s Ph.D. thesis on the Seth material. I’d showed it to Jane, of course, but she hadn’t been able to read it.

(In the session notes for January 9, I’d noted that I still felt that something was holding Jane back from feeling free to walk, in spite of all the advances we’ve made. Seth hadn’t mentioned this is yesterday’s session [for the 10th], and now I asked Jane if she had any insight into that question. I wasn’t even sure I was right.

(I was getting my stuff together preparatory to leaving for the evening when Jane said she’d been thinking it over, and had something to tell me. It turned out that she was — is — impaired in feeling free to walk because of her broken right leg, she said.

(Then she revealed that more and more she’s worrying about why the right leg looks so much shorter than the left one. It doesn’t seem possible to her that she’ll be able to walk on it even if she does straighten it out. We talked for a little while. I’m afraid the talk didn’t make her feel any better. I’ve known for some time that a problem exists there as to why the leg is shorter-looking. “But then,” I said, “we’re not supposed to think that way. We’re supposed to have the confidence that the body knows what it’s doing, and will fix that leg in whatever manner is necessary.” Jane agreed, of course, but I could see she was quite upset.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In short, Jane, the right leg is evidently to play a central role in your recovery — not only a physical one, but a vital one concerning changes in belief about the whole thing. Ironic indeed, I thought as I drove home, if the broken leg would serve as the last, final impetus toward clearing our psyches of the last of the old, damaging beliefs, so that the new synthesis can finally take place: the body can heal itself …

(Jane called at 10:10 tonight, with Carla’s help, just as I was finishing typing the session. She said she still didn’t feel a whole helluva lot better. I tried to cheer her up — and myself as well.)

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