1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"foreword by robert f butt" AND stemmed:seth)
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The answers to such questions that Jane, Seth, and I arrived at are in this book. [...] Seth did help her, many many times over the years. [...] Seth still helps my wife, I’m sure. [...] Because of certain dreams I believe that even portions of my own entity (Seth calls me Joseph) are joining in. Well, why not, since as Seth describes reality, everything exists at the same “time?” Tricky concepts and questions to wrestle with, I know, and sometimes contradictory. [...]
[...] Since her death many have written to both sympathize and to ask “Why?” She had Seth, didn’t she — for whom she spoke for some 21 years; she also produced six books with him along the way (plus a number of books on her “own”). Why hadn’t Seth gotten her out of her dilemma, turned the magic key in the proper psychic lock? [...] She could have lived for another 20 years, say, and contributed even more to our knowledge, both with Seth and by herself. [...]
During those 21 months in the hospital, Jane, Seth, and I said much about her physical/psychic condition, and I recorded it all in my homemade shorthand as best I could under often very stressful conditions. [...] She concluded it in September 1983, then over the next four months delivered a series of 71 mostly short, mostly personal Seth sessions. [...]
Inevitably, however, much had to be omitted from The Way Toward Health as it’s presented here — not Seth’s material, but from Jane’s and my work and notes. [...] (I had a number of personal experiences and insights that I thought enhanced concepts of the Seth material, for example.) But what to cut, when to stop? [...]
When Jane began delivering the Seth material in 1963, I became very conscious of the record we’d leave, not with Seth but concerning our private lives. [...]
[...] Not only about Jane’s fine ability to speak in a trance or dissociated state for Seth, that “energy personality essence,” as he calls himself, but about all of the vastly complicated challenges that can, and do, arise in the course of a human life.
[...] Yet I know that we’re delving ever more deeply into our psyches; Jane’s work with Seth, as well as her poetry and other writings, show that. [...]