2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:732 AND stemmed:live)
(Pause.) You are involved with some of your counterparts more or less directly, while others live in different lands, and are sometimes separated also in terms of age differences or culture — qualities with which you would find it difficult to relate.5 Intuitively, you know who the counterparts are in your daily experience. This does not mean that if you become consciously aware of such affiliations you must then feel it your responsibility to form a kind of culture of counterparts, or to try and affect other people’s lives by reminding them of your relationship. You are each individual. Some of the people you dislike most heartily may be counterparts.6 Each of you may be exploring different aspects of the same overall challenge.
In Seth Speaks, see chapters 11–13. Seth delivered much material about reincarnation, including “the time of choosing” between lives, recreating and changing events in past lives, and past and present reincarnational family relationships; probabilities; dreams; the fetus, and so forth.
Many of you have daydreams in which you actually see yourselves as your counterparts, and portions of their lives sometimes come through to you as you go about your chores.
You usually live with your physical family, though this does not always apply; sometimes your ancestors come from various countries, so there is a physical lineage that you understand. There are often homecomings, where distant relatives return to the homestead. Now psychically the same applies in terms of counterparts. If you belong to any particular groups, often your closest counterparts will also be there. You will be a counterpart from their viewpoint, by the way. Many political, civic, educational or religious groups are composed of counterparts.
(Student Bill Herriman is a professional pilot who flies a considerable distance to Elmira for class; his counterpart in class, Carl Jones, lives in Elmira each summer while giving instructions in sailplane flying, the third member of the counterpart trio, Bill Granger, is not a member of class, lives in Elmira, has always had a deep interest in aircraft, and is now learning to pilot sailplanes. [...]