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UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 1/58 (2%) plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 731: The Knowledge of Your Forefathers Is Within Your Chromosomes. Reincarnation and Other Supports of Selfhood. The Plant Analogy
– Session 731 January 20, 1975 9:38 P.M. Monday

[... 52 paragraphs ...]

“As you have probably supposed by now, there is consciousness in everything. Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own. Pain and pleasure, the strongest aspects of all consciousnesses, are experienced by every fragment, according to its degree. Differentiation is of course various, and it is in the degree of differentiation that consciousnesses are different.”

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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