1 result for (book:ur2 AND session:727 AND (stemmed:"choos probabl" OR stemmed:"probabl choos"))
[... 37 paragraphs ...]
A simple tree deals with the nature of probabilities as it thrusts forward into new seeds. Computations go on constantly within it, and that communication involves an inner kind of language innocent of symbols and vowels. The tree knows its present and future history,7 in your terms, but it understands a future that is not preordained. It feels its own power in the present as it constructs that future. In deeper terms the tree’s seeds also realize that there is a future there — a variety of futures toward which they grope.
The fetus also understands that it can respond to a stimulus — to any stimulus it chooses — from a variety of probable futures. So do you unconsciously grope toward probable futures that to one extent or another beckon you onward.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(10:52.) You choose your futures, but you also choose your pasts. There is only so much that I can say, since I am using a verbal language that in itself makes a tyrant of time. This book is paced in such away, however, that if you follow it an inner language will be initiated. This in itself annihilates your stereotyped concepts and releases you from time’s dictatorship. Some of the exercises to be given in this section will be geared to that purpose.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The answer is that your language is limited. Your verbal language — for your biological communication is quite aware of probable future events, and the body constantly maintains itself amid a maze of probabilities.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
In Appendix 12 and its notes there are a number of passages from Seth (as well as a few of my own) that supplement his remarks, in this 727th session, on present form responding to a future time. See, for instance, the quotations from the 690th session in Volume l; Seth discussed the ability of our species to precognitively alter the present from the future. Molecular biology and precognition are also referred to. Then see Note 17 for Appendix 12, wherein biological precognition and the cellular manipulation of probabilities are mentioned.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
4. I suggest reviewing Seth’s excellent material on probabilities, cellular consciousness, the moment point, and related concepts in the 681st session for Volume 1.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]