2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:724 AND stemmed:statement)

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

(Peter’s statement was soon confirmed by another longtime friend of ours, Sue Watkins,12 who also knows Peter well. He’d related the entire affair to her some months ago; his original perceptions had taken place over seven years ago, long before Sue had introduced him to Jane and me in 1973. Peter told me after class that my sketches had instantly rearoused his memories, although in his experience he’d seen the event from different angles. Yet, even with those discrepancies, and a few others, Peter believed that the walls in Jerusalem, the battlemented tower, the soldiers that I’d just described and depicted, were all the same as those he’d seen in his own visions of so much earlier.

10. I note with some amusement that my rather vehement statement may simply reflect the natural, protective attitude of my currently focused consciousness: Even though I find them fascinating, I may be quite reluctant to embrace other equally valid portions of what I conveniently call my whole self. Yet that whole self may not consider that any more than a tiny segment of itself “belongs” to me!

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

(Now for two concluding paragraphs of commentary and reference: Jane’s statement that the four-fronted counterpart self persists outside of space and time implies a contradiction, of course — but this situation is one that we, as physical creatures, will in some manner always have to contend with when we encounter certain of Jane’s and Seth’s concepts [including that of the four-fronted counterpart self]. [...]