2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:724 AND stemmed:share)
Now: Your friend Peter [Smith] shared the same earthly period.4 You were not counterparts — or you are not counterparts, but closely enough allied so that in certain terms you “share” some of the same psychic memories, like cousins who speak about old dimly remembered brothers.
(10:22.) Give us a moment … The children that spring from your loins are real. They have their own lives. They share a certain portion of your experience, but they use that experience as they choose. In your terms, you exist in physical life before your children do. Now: In other terms, your own greater personhood exists before you do in the same way. That greater personhood gives birth to many “psychic children,” who then become physical by being born into the races of men and women.
New paragraph. Those incidents are recorded unconsciously, however, if they applied to your direct experience; and under hypnosis, for example, you could make them your own. So there are different kinds of memories. You share certain biological similarities with your parents, but there are other biological groupings not understood, uniting counterparts in any given century.
(In the 724th session the following night, Seth remarked upon such circumstances, saying that while Peter and I weren’t counterparts, we’re “closely enough allied so that in certain terms you ‘share’ some of the same psychic memories, like cousins who speak about old dimly remembered brothers.”13