
3 results for (book:ur2 AND session:724 AND stemmed:our)

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

(In view of these two separate instances, involving Peter and Mary, I wonder: Aside from whatever intrinsic validity they may have, does each of us telepathically pick up on the experiences of others and weave such information into personal psychological dramas? If so, do we do this frequently, so that our private fantasies have an inner coherence with those of our fellow human beings — and connections with them — that quite escapes our usual notice?

To me, this fact alone lends a credence to his visions that bolsters my own in the most meaningful way: I think our tower experiences of so long ago (in terms of linear time), plus our mutual artistic backgrounds now, with their corresponding social implications, are too closely allied to be explained as “coincidence” in the objective fact world. Peter’s surprising material, then, helps me tentatively recognize the physical connections those motionless visions of mine may have in our space and time.

(Our questions are without end, and Jane and I don’t really think many of them will be answered within our lifetimes. I’ll close this appendix with two more queries that psychically are much more personal and very intriguing: Had Peter Smith viewed the same events on that tower in Jerusalem from the vantage point of the soldier who killed my soldier? Were the slain and the slayer meeting now once more, under different circumstances?)

“Seth’s data and my own on counterparts make sense to me. I feel (as Seth mentioned in the 721st session) that I wasn’t Nebene, or two different Roman soldiers per se, but rather that my whole self chose to manifest such personalities together; that I, too, am such a manifestation at a “later” time, then, and that from my own vantage point I can tune in to those other lives. But I question, at least provisionally, any idea of past or counterpart lives that I lived one hundred percent. At this writing, I think that I am living my only one hundred percent life now, with the privilege of occasionally being able to focus upon scattered portions of those other existences emanating from my whole self, which has its basic reality outside of our space-time concepts.10

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

[...] Thirteen of us had gathered in our living room for one of the weekly get-togethers that Jane and I enjoy so much. [...]

[...] When our conversation began to range over psychic phenomena, leadership, history, and language,1 Jane went into trance; then Seth came through strongly. [...]

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [...]

[...] As Warren made similar remarks about the development of individual consciousness through historical times to our point of civilization, Seth suddenly and unexpectedly came through loudly and forcefully:

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

This is not book dictation, in that it does not fit in with our section of exercises. [...]