3 results for (book:ur2 AND session:724 AND stemmed:jane)

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(Seth’s material here in the 724th session, given on December 4, 1974, at once reminded me of an informal session he’d held on a Friday evening some 10 months ago. Thirteen of us had gathered in our living room for one of the weekly get-togethers that Jane and I enjoy so much. Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

(We talked about many things, as usual. When our conversation began to range over psychic phenomena, leadership, history, and language,1 Jane went into trance; then Seth came through strongly. This unexpected kind of session rarely develops these days, but, as Jane said later, the subjects under discussion were “emotionally charged” for her — and for others present, too, I might add. [Incidentally, Seth began Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality on February 4, 1974 — three days after this session was held.]

(A group of us — Alex, Warren,2 and others — had come over to Jane and Rob’s for a casual get-together, and also to talk about that week’s class, which seemed to be one of the “milestone” classes that happen occasionally.3 During the conversation, Alex said that the rise of literacy in the world would spread Seth’s ideas on a scale that had never previously been possible. In the discussion of “primitive” and “civilized” man that followed, Warren presented his opinion that some civilizations, such as those of Babylonia, Egypt, the Incas, and so forth, had been founded by initiate groups from Atlantis4 … that while “primitive” man may have had a kind of gestalt consciousness, he had no individual consciousness. As Warren made similar remarks about the development of individual consciousness through historical times to our point of civilization, Seth suddenly and unexpectedly came through loudly and forcefully:

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] After adding a few sentences of personal information for Jane, Seth ended the session at 12:07 A.M. Jane had experienced internal images while delivering some of the book material, yet hadn’t been able to get them clearly. [...]

(The next morning Jane told me that she’d been “getting stuff all night again” on “Unknown” Reality. [...] After breakfast Jane enthusiastically set to work writing about her new ideas; she plans to use them in Psychic Politics. [...]

(Now for two concluding paragraphs of commentary and reference: Jane’s statement that the four-fronted counterpart self persists outside of space and time implies a contradiction, of course — but this situation is one that we, as physical creatures, will in some manner always have to contend with when we encounter certain of Jane’s and Seth’s concepts [including that of the four-fronted counterpart self]. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] Jane discussed my previous “visits” to the first century in Chapter 4 of her Psychic Politics, but [I can add later] she never did deal with this one. [...]

“As I lay down for my usual nap this afternoon, I reminded myself that Jane was to hold her ESP class this evening. [...]

“Assuming that my internal data about those three lives are reasonably correct, it may be, as Jane said recently, that the psyche is so incredibly rich that anything is possible. [...]