
3 results for (book:ur2 AND session:724 AND stemmed:all)

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [I really enjoyed letting someone else do all the work for a change!] Later that week, Sue transcribed Seth’s material, wrote all of the notes for the session, and prepared mimeographed copies for everyone. Only portions of the session are given here, and I’ve rearranged them — and Sue’s notes — a bit for convenience’s sake. From her transcript, then:)

(Seth’s material here in the 724th session, given on December 4, 1974, at once reminded me of an informal session he’d held on a Friday evening some 10 months ago. Thirteen of us had gathered in our living room for one of the weekly get-togethers that Jane and I enjoy so much. Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

(Warren: “But isn’t this stuff all about the development of ego consciousness?”)

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] Earlier in this work I hinted at the hypothetical existence of a truly fulfilled earth-person — with a hyphen.1 All of the spiritual, mental, and biological abilities would be actualized to whatever extent possible. [...] At the same time, all of the latent spiritual and mental qualities would be fulfilled in a like manner, so that all of the potentials of the species would find actualization in the most developed way in the experience of each individual. All aspects of the sciences and the arts would be explored.

(“I’m getting all this stuff,” Jane said at 9:43, as we waited for Seth to come through, “but I can’t verbalize it yet. [...]

Those seeds form the physical races, which are all variations on a theme, or as Ruburt would say, eccentricities2 of an everchanging model. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] I think all of this could be counterpart action, all right, personified by two selves living in the same narrow time period, in close proximity in the same geographical area of the Middle East.8

[...] I’d lost all sensation of my body lying on the cot. [...]

[...] Counterparts all — three simultaneous lives in which I seemed to play a part, although, as explained below, I insist that I participated in each one of those existences in my own way.