
2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:721 AND stemmed:was)

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

Now our friend Joseph here was able to handle another reality while still being involved in this one. (To me:) Neurologically, you crossed your messages. You were aware of ghost images that you usually do not recognize, and those were translated into ghost sense data. (To the class:) That is, he knew the black woman was not in the physical room with him in this space and time, running through his studio [where he had the experience]. But in other terms, she was indeed running in another environment that our friend was able to see, and to superimpose over the reality he knew, while keeping both intact.

(I humorously protested, knowing that she was really tired, and told her not to say anything that later she’d wish we had recorded. I refused to get out my notebook and pen again. It was obvious that Jane wanted only to sleep, even though she was willing to continue the session after trying to wake up by drinking a cup of coffee.

(Actually, we’ve had two recent indications that Seth was going to initiate something like the counterpart thesis, even though he hadn’t used the term itself. The first clue came in a private, or deleted, session held a week ago on Monday night [November 18, 1974]; the second hint was given in ESP class on the following evening.

Now: a footnote to our [private] session of last night. Ruburt was correct: Lives are simultaneous. You can live more than one life at a time — in your terms now — but that is a loaded sentence. You are neurologically tuned in to one particular field of actuality that you recognize.2 In your terms and from your viewpoint only, messages from other existences live within you as ghost images within the cells, for the cells recognize more than you do on a conscious level. That is, for a brief time, Joseph (Rob) was consciously able to perceive a portion of another existence.

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

[...] There was a catch, however. [...] He previously had experience that convinced him that he was a man called Nebene.9 All of this could have been accepted quite easily in conventional terms of reincarnation, but Joseph felt that Nebene and the Roman soldier had existed during the same general time period, and he was not sure where to place the woman (but see Note 1).

In all of these episodes definite emotional experience was involved. Also connected was an indefinable but unmistakable sense of familiarity. [...]

Joseph was “picking up” on lives that “he” lived in the same time scheme. In this way and in your terms, he was beginning to recognize the familyship that exists between individuals who share your earth at any given time.

[...] So Joseph “was” Nebene, a scholarly man, not adventurous, obsessed with copying ancient truths, and afraid that creativity was error; authoritative and demanding. [...]