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UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

(At the conclusion of the 720th session I mentioned the Roman-soldier visions I’d had near the end of October, and added that I would soon go into my questions about them. Before I could do so, however, I had another experience with psychic perceptions three days later — on November 16 — that led to more questions. This one wasn’t a “Roman,” though, but a series of very vivid impressions of myself as a black woman on the island of Jamaica, in the Caribbean Sea. The time period was — is — the 19th century. See Note 1.

Lately Joseph has found himself embarked upon a series of episodes that seem to involve reincarnational existences. There was a catch, however. He saw himself as a woman — black. Last month he also saw himself as a Roman soldier aboard a slave ship. He previously had experience that convinced him that he was a man called Nebene.9 All of this could have been accepted quite easily in conventional terms of reincarnation, but Joseph felt that Nebene and the Roman soldier had existed during the same general time period, and he was not sure where to place the woman (but see Note 1).

1. The series of visions that made up my overall perception of the black woman in Jamaica were the most vivid I’ve experienced yet. For me they had a most unique, thrilling, immediate quality, and strong emotional involvement. As I sat at the typewriter in my studio, I was flooded with perceptions of myself as such a woman: Pursued by an armed English military officer, she ran for her life down a hilly village street. She wasn’t especially young. Her — my — name? Maumee, or Mawmee — an illiterate but shrewd, very strong personality who was acting in rebellion against the colonial authority of England in the early 1800’s. She escaped that time, and lived to struggle often against such forces on the island.

I’m most gratified that some of the Jamaican visions were externalized, that I didn’t see all of them within as I did for the Roman series. That is, with open eyes I saw fleeting hectic images in the studio. I felt emotions. I was exhilarated by the whole thing.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

3. In the opening notes for the 718th session, I wrote that I’d just finished a series of diagrams for Jane’s Adventures. In Diagram 1 for Chapter 10, I tried to show schematically the same idea Seth mentions here, but with the terminology Jane used in her own book. She wrote about a series of Aspect selves orbiting a nonphysical source self, then continued: “Imagine a multidimensional Ferris wheel, each separated section being an Aspect self. [...]

[...] Each is working on the same series of challenges. [...]