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UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 2/100 (2%) king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 5: How to Journey into the “Unknown” Reality: Tiny Steps and Giant Steps. Glimpses and Direct Encounters
– Session 721: The Dream World as the Mirror of the Psyche. Waking While Dreaming. Practice Elements 15, 16
– Session 721 November 25, 1974 9:14 P.M. Monday

[... 63 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment … Joseph’s focus of identity is his own. He will follow it. He was not Nebene, or the Roman officer or the woman. Yet they are versions of what he is, and he is a version of what they “were,” and at certain levels each is aware of the others. There is constant interaction.13

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

13. The “constant interaction” that Seth mentioned as involving myself, Nebene, the Roman soldier, and the black woman, Maumee, obviously takes place on other-than-usual conscious levels — at least in my case, that is. For while I was having experience as the Roman, for instance, I had no feeling for Nebene, or Maumee — no idea of reincarnation, or of counterparts either. Each “time” I tuned into one of those personalities I was too caught up in that particular role to be aware of any of the others. Now, however, as I write this I can at least feel ideas about them in the back of my mind….

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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