2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:721 AND stemmed:bodi)

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

You could not be consciously aware of those other realities all of the time, and deal with the world that you know. You have several time and space tracks in operation at once, then, but you acknowledge only certain neurological messages physically. Yet there is more to the body than you perceive of it, and this is difficult to explain to you … If you can think of a multidimensional body existing at one time in various realities, and appearing differently within each one while still being whole, then you can get some glimpse of what is involved.3

(To Florence:) Far be it from me to disturb your ancient ideas of yin and yang, or Jung, or good and evil, or of right and wrong, or of good and bad vibrations! I was beginning a new body of material, and so we have not finished with it by a long shot! What I hope to say is that your world exists in different terms than those you recognize, and that reincarnation is indeed a myth and a story that stands for something else entirely.

(1.) It is quite possible, for example, for several selves to occupy a body, and were this the norm it would be easily accepted. That implies another kind of multipersonhood, however, one actually allowing for the fulfillment of many abilities of various natures usually left unexpressed. It also implies a freedom and organization of consciousness that is unusual in your system of reality, and was not chosen there.

In the systems in which evolution of consciousness has worked in that fashion, all faculties of body and mind in one “lifetime” are beautifully utilized. Nor is there any ambiguity about identity. The individual would say, for example, “I am Joe, and Jane, and Jim, and Bob.”6 There are physical variations of a sexual nature, so that on all levels identity includes the male and female. Shadows of all such probabilities appear within your own system, as oddities. Anything apparent to whatever degree in your system is developed in another.

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

(I’d like to add that I hardly think it a coincidence, however, that within less than a month from my “first Roman,” Seth was to initiate a body of information in which he began to clarify many of the questions I had about certain of my own psychic adventures. [...]