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UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 12/71 (17%) snapshots tone postcards sound Politics
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 714: Snapshots of Other Realities, Psychic Guided Tours, Inner Sounds and the True Tone
– Session 714 October 23, 1974 9:36 P.M. Wednesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane, in an obvious state of altered or enhanced consciousness, not only outlined all of Politics today, but wrote four manuscript pages that will either go into its Introduction or Chapter 1. All of the material poured out of her in a most remarkable, unimpeded way — “… as though it was already finished somewhere else, just waiting for me to get it down. But I had to do it just so, right to the last word,” she said, then added enthusiastically, “I think it’s a classic.” Involved with Politics is her perception of another version of herself in a psychic “library,” from which, evidently, she is to acquire a significant portion of her new book.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The unknown reality and the psyche’s greater existence cannot be separated from the intimate knowledge of the flesh, however, for the life of the flesh takes place within that framework. As earlier mentioned,4 the conscious self generally focuses in but one small dimension. Period. That dimension is experienced as fully as possible, its clear brilliance and exquisite focus possible only because you tune in to it and bring it to the forefront of your attention. In your terms, when you understand how to do this, then you can begin to tune in to other “stations” as well.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 9:59.) At one time these postcards represented initial original visions and individual interpretations. Later, however, they began to serve as guidebooks consulted ahead of time. For instance: If you plan to travel to a distant country in your own world, you can find such publications to tell you what to expect. When you journey into other realities, or when your consciousness leaves your body, you can also rely upon guidebooks that program your activities ahead of time. Period.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There are good reasons for conventions. Generally, they help organize experience. If they are lightly held to and accepted, they can serve well as guidelines. Applied with a heavy hand they become unnecessary dogma, rigidly limiting experience. This applies to inner and outer activity. Conventions are the results of stratified and rigid “spontaneity.” At one time, in your terms, each custom had a meaning. Each represented a spontaneous gesture, an individual reaction. When these become a system of order, however, the original spontaneity is lost, and you project an artificial order that serves to stratify behavior rather than to express it. So there are psychic customs as there are physical ones, religious and psychic dogmas, guided tours of consciousness in which you are told to follow a certain line or a certain program. You become afraid of your private interpretation of whatever reality you find yourself experiencing.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

(Except for a few instances in which I eliminated repetitive phrases, all of the material Jane gave after 10:47 is unchanged here. At times, because her delivery had become so steady, even precise, I’d wondered if she had entered into a Seth trance, but one without Seth’s usual voice effects. I had also been concerned lest she speak so rapidly that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her in my notes, but that hadn’t happened. Nor had she spoken for Seth, I realized by the time she finished. Her enhanced state of consciousness had been her “own.”

(“I know there’s a universe between my chair here [in the living room] and the kitchen floor,” Jane said as she got up, “but I can walk it okay. When you strike your own true tone, you recognize it and you’ve got it made. You know your own meaning in the universe, even if you can’t verbalize it….”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Now here’s how I “put this together with the Seth stuff,” meaning that from my viewpoint I’ll briefly discuss the various states of consciousness Jane enjoyed today, as well as her massive sensations and her psychic perceptions of sound in connection with tonight’s session. [The session itself of course, embodied yet another altered state.] At the same time, the reader can make his or her own intuitive connections in assembling such materials, even if “only” in unconscious ways.

(Much of Jane’s day had been made up of a series of altered, and at times even near-ecstatic states of consciousness, each one expressing a unique and creative facet of her essentially mystical nature.10 Even though not at her best, she’d been able to draw upon lavish amounts of energy. I think that her experience with inner sound after the session represented her interpretation of the information Seth gave on feeling-tones, some two years ago; see the 613th session for Chapter 1 of Personal Reality. There are certainly deep connections between Jane’s apprehension of her true tone, and Seth’s statement in that session that each of us possesses certain qualities of feeling uniquely our own, “… that are like deep musical chords.” He went on to say at 10:06: “These feeling-tones, then, pervade your being They are the form your spirit takes when combined with flesh.” I also think that Jane’s sensing of her true path reflects her understanding of Seth’s subsequent remark at 10:16 [in that 613th session]: “The feeling-tone is the motion and fiber — and timbre — of your energy devoted to your physical experience.11

(So, given Jane’s satisfying yet exhilarating expressions of consciousness throughout the day, I hardly regard it as surprising that she plunged into additional excellent states this evening. Paradoxically, her inspired reception of the material for Psychic Politics came about not only because of her innate knowledge feeling-tones, but because she gave that basic creative phenomenon expression in Politics.

(And she’s quite conscious of the fact that her massive sensations are one of the ways by which, as she has written, she tries to “view our three-dimensional existence and this universe from outside this framework” or to travel beyond the conventionalized psychic postcards.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

5. Seth offered an analogy involving the camera and the traveling conscious mind in the 710th session after 10:16.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

But see Note 1 (with its references) for Session 697 in Volume 1; it contains some of Seth’s material on the consciousness connected with any information.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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