2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:712 AND stemmed:was)
What he was sensing, however, was an entirely different kind of reality. He was beginning to recognize another synapse [neuronal] pattern not “native”; he was familiarizing himself with perceptions at a different set of coordinate points. Such activity automatically alters the nature of time in your experience, and is indicative of intersections of your consciousness with another kind of consciousness. That particular type of consciousness operates “at different speeds” than your own. Biologically, your own physical structures are quite able to operate at those same speeds, though as a species you have disciplined yourselves to a different kind of neurological reaction. By altering such neurological prejudice,10 however, you can indeed learn to become aware of other realities that coincide with yours. Period.
(No session was held Monday night, October 14, as scheduled. Jane was busy instead doing a program for a radio station in a western state, live, via telephone from our living room in Elmira. She sat at her desk and was interviewed by the program’s host, then answered questions from listeners. The show went well. In Volume 1, see the notes leading off the 702nd session.
New paragraph. In class last evening Ruburt “picked up” messages that seemed to be too slow for his neurological structure. He was convinced that it would take many hours of your time in order to translate perhaps a simple clear paragraph of what he was receiving. He experienced some strain, feeling that each vowel and syllable was so drawn out, in your terms of time, that he must either slow down his own neurological workings to try to make some suitable adjustments. He chose the latter. Messages, therefore, perceptions, “came through” at one speed, so to speak, and he managed to receive them while translating them into a more comfortable, neurologically familiar speed.
Elements in your lives were experienced as negative simply because Ruburt was not sure of himself. Pleas for help (directed to Jane as well as Seth) were seen as demands — not as opportunities to use abilities — so he felt hounded. He was not sure enough of his new world; he was still enough a part of the old one so that he often saw his life and abilities through the eyes of the “old world inhabitants” — the others who might scorn him, or set him up for ridicule.13 They represented portions of his own psyche still at that level of consciousness, not having quite assimilated the greater knowledge or experience, so he felt he needed protection — the protection that would … cleverly … serve all of his purposes, allowing him to go ahead as he wanted to … that would keep him at home working, and yet also serve as a control against too much inner spontaneity until he learned that he could indeed trust the new world of experience.
(11:19.) “I was getting images through the whole thing. (Jane rested briefly.) I was trying to explain what they meant. [...] That was really a workout. [...]
[...] Then not long before the session was due she became aware to some extent of her pyramid sensation, meaning that Seth Two, or possibly a variation of that personality gestalt, was around. [...]
[...] This was reminiscent of Seth Two’s method of delivery, yet subjectively I felt differences. Also, Seth Two had usually expressed “itself” in the singular, whereas tonight’s material was coming through under the plural “we”:) “All con-scious-ness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties. [...]
7. From Jane’s notebook: “I was writing poetry one day early in August 1971, when suddenly I mentally heard the oddest sounds — incredibly fast, too quick to follow. [...] I sensed this neurologically, though how that was possible, I don’t know….”