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UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) 4/98 (4%) hole sound massive particles atom
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 19: A Discussion of Seth Two, and Jane’s “Long Sounds” Session. Black Holes, Time Reversal, and Related Subjects
– (For Session 712)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s expressions of long sound and her sensations of massiveness are of course directly related to the multidimensional neurological activity, the “sidepools” of consciousness, that she described in Appendix 4 of Volume 1. Seth also mentioned neurological pulses and/or speeds in various sessions in Volume 1. In the opening delivery for Session 686, for example, see his information on our species’ selection of one “official” series of neurological pulses for physical reality, and, at 12:19 A.M., his remarks on prejudiced perception. Appendix 5 for the same session contains more of Jane’s own material on neurological speeds.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(10:22. In a voice quite a bit deeper and stronger than usual, but not as overpowering as I’ve heard it be on occasion, Jane began to express a series of very “long,” drawn-out syllables. I’d expected anything from a whisper to a scream. What follows at first are my phonetic interpretations of the sounds she uttered. Her eyes were closed, her head still down. [When Jane reads these typed notes she may not agree with some of my approximations.] Now in a heavy voice, almost grating:)

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

(11:19.) “I was getting images through the whole thing. (Jane rested briefly.) I was trying to explain what they meant. It’s something when you don’t know what you’re trying to say…. (She described the images to some extent — delineating stars, a series of circles, condensing matter, imploding galaxies and other such effects — but they didn’t mean as much to me as her material in the session itself.) I just got tired receiving the stuff. That was really a workout. There’s a lot more there to be had, too….” (She likened her dissertation to the way she often gets impressions concerning people; the information “just comes,” and she recites it.

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

In the 24th session for February 10, 1964, Seth explained how a recent vision I’d had, involving a ladderlike series of heads opening and closing their silent mouths, had really been my attempt to cast inner data into a more familiar outer-sense kind of perception. “You felt sound,” Seth told me. After my initial unease over this new type of experience, I found it most intriguing; I’ve had my own little adventures embodying that feeling perception of sound ever since. In the same session, Seth discussed Jane’s periodic feeling of sound; in her case, she often hears music internally.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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