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(I’ve already cited Jane’s experience, as given in Chapter 17 of The Seth Material, showing that on rare occasions Seth Two and her feelings of massiveness can go together; but she can also be in an altered, massive state of consciousness without having a session, or she can be speaking for Seth. Seth or Seth Two — obviously, when either of those qualities combine with her massive perceptions, then Jane knows a multifaceted trance state. In Volume 1, Seth devoted much of the 681st session to a discussion of probabilities, or, in sum, All That Is, and interwound Jane’s psychic and physical experiences with that material: “The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal … Part of Ruburt’s feeling of massiveness2 comes from the mass [life-to-death] experience of the body, existing all at once. Therefore to him the body feels larger.” Beginning at 11:10 in that session, see also Jane’s own comments on her massive responses.
(I want to conclude this appendix with a poem Jane wrote during the summer of 1963, a few months before she began the sessions. To me her long sound material, given nine years later in the 612th session, simply represented her psychic way of “catching up” with, and developing, deeply intuitive knowledge that she’d possessed all along:)
1. In Appendix 3 of Adventures Jane listed and described the altered states of consciousness that she’s attained so far in her psychic development. She also considered Seth Two in various other parts of Adventures. In Chapter 2, for instance, the Seth Two quotations are cast in the editorial “we,” the guise in which that energy gestalt often comes through: “We are trying to appreciate the nature of your present existence … For you there may seem to be an unbearable loneliness, because you are so used to relating to the warm victory of the flesh, and [here] there is no physical being … Yet beyond and within that isolation is a point of light that is consciousness. It pulses with the power behind all the emotions that you know … This is the warmth that … is born from the very devotion of our isolation … that creates the reality that you know, without itself experiencing it.”
5. I was surprised to hear Jane’s somewhat embarrassed references to the third eye, since I couldn’t remember her mentioning it before in the sessions. The third eye (sometimes called the “back eye”) is the legendary organ of psychic perception, supposedly located behind the forehead. In occult science it’s been connected with the pineal body, or gland, that mysterious member of the endocrine system is buried deep within the brain, and through the centuries has been considered by many — including the French philosopher and mathematician, René Descartes (1596–1650) — to be the seat of the soul.
[...] The coordinates that link you with others who are more or less of your kind have to do with psychic and psychological intersections that result in a like space-time framework.
The psychic and emotional communication, then, cut through physical coordinates. [...]
[...] Some of it was quite personal, but one part consisted of Seth’s response to an assessment she’d written after supper tonight, wherein she examined her progress since the inauguration of her psychic abilities late in 1963. [...]
[...] This has nothing to do with so-called psychic phenomena, but the natural growth and development of a personality whenever it tries to go beyond its space and time context, and takes on challenges of such a nature.