2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:712 AND stemmed:prejud)
To some extent you have neurologically blinded yourselves. You accept only a certain range of neurological impulses as “reality.”8 You have biologically prejudiced yourselves. The physical structure is innately aware of many more valid versions of reality than you allow it to be.
10. In Chapter 6 of Adventures, see Jane’s discussion of “prejudiced perception,” which in “our reality is characterized as much by the kind of events it excludes as by those it embraces.”
(Jane’s expressions of long sound and her sensations of massiveness are of course directly related to the multidimensional neurological activity, the “sidepools” of consciousness, that she described in Appendix 4 of Volume 1. Seth also mentioned neurological pulses and/or speeds in various sessions in Volume 1. In the opening delivery for Session 686, for example, see his information on our species’ selection of one “official” series of neurological pulses for physical reality, and, at 12:19 A.M., his remarks on prejudiced perception. [...]