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UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

Certain strains were involved that in one way were as natural as growing pains. This has nothing to do with so-called psychic phenomena, but the natural growth and development of a personality whenever it tries to go beyond its space and time context, and takes on challenges of such a nature.

What he was sensing, however, was an entirely different kind of reality. He was beginning to recognize another synapse [neuronal] pattern not “native”; he was familiarizing himself with perceptions at a different set of coordinate points. Such activity automatically alters the nature of time in your experience, and is indicative of intersections of your consciousness with another kind of consciousness. That particular type of consciousness operates “at different speeds” than your own. Biologically, your own physical structures are quite able to operate at those same speeds, though as a species you have disciplined yourselves to a different kind of neurological reaction. By altering such neurological prejudice,10 however, you can indeed learn to become aware of other realities that coincide with yours. Period.

(11:38. Now Jane came through with several pages of material for herself. Some of it was quite personal, but one part consisted of Seth’s response to an assessment she’d written after supper tonight, wherein she examined her progress since the inauguration of her psychic abilities late in 1963. Seth, here, adds to our understanding of Jane’s reactions to some of the challenges she took up 11 years ago. His material is also an extension of much that he gave in the 679th session for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, when he discussed the early background of the probable Jane who chose to live in this physical reality, and how that Jane began to contend with her strongly mystical nature. See especially Note 8 for Session 679, and Appendix 1.)

2. Just as he talks here about the surface nature of our travel, in Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality Seth had a similar observation to make about our ideas of time; see the 688th session after 10:26: “Again, you live on the surface of the moments, with no understanding of the unrecognized and unofficial realities that lie beneath.”

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] She also considered Seth Two in various other parts of Adventures. In Chapter 2, for instance, the Seth Two quotations are cast in the editorial “we,” the guise in which that energy gestalt often comes through: “We are trying to appreciate the nature of your present existence … For you there may seem to be an unbearable loneliness, because you are so used to relating to the warm victory of the flesh, and [here] there is no physical being … Yet beyond and within that isolation is a point of light that is consciousness. [...]