2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:712 AND stemmed:insid)
The rockbed reality is the one in which the perceiver is focused. From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. Taking that for granted, however, any given reality system will be surrounded by its probability clusters. These can almost be thought of as satellites. Time and space need not be connected, however — that is, the attractions that exist between a reality and any given probability cluster may have nothing to do with time and space at all. The closest probability satellite to any given reality may, for example, be in an entirely different universe altogether. (Pause.) In that regard, you may find brethren more or less like yourselves outside of your own universe — as you think of it — rather than inside it. You imagine your universe as extending outward in space (and backwards in time). You think of it as an exteriorized manifestation, expanding perhaps, but in an exterior rather than an interior fashion.1
In closing: See the 593rd session in the Appendix of Seth Speaks for Seth’s material on black holes, white holes, and coordination points: “A black hole is a white hole turned inside out … The holes, therefore, or coordination points [points of double reality, or where realities merge], are actually great accelerators that reenergize energy itself.” [...]