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UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

(I’ve already cited Jane’s experience, as given in Chapter 17 of The Seth Material, showing that on rare occasions Seth Two and her feelings of massiveness can go together; but she can also be in an altered, massive state of consciousness without having a session, or she can be speaking for Seth. Seth or Seth Two — obviously, when either of those qualities combine with her massive perceptions, then Jane knows a multifaceted trance state. In Volume 1, Seth devoted much of the 681st session to a discussion of probabilities, or, in sum, All That Is, and interwound Jane’s psychic and physical experiences with that material: “The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal … Part of Ruburt’s feeling of massiveness2 comes from the mass [life-to-death] experience of the body, existing all at once. Therefore to him the body feels larger.” Beginning at 11:10 in that session, see also Jane’s own comments on her massive responses.

“The relaxation involves a curious sense of dropping down inwardly, of going slowly beneath the realities we usually recognize. It’s a smooth transition in which perception is slowed down topwise, but deepened so that usually unperceived stimuli seem to rise from an underside of consciousness and bodily sensation. In that kind of relaxation the body itself perceives differently; that’s what I’m trying to emphasize. Looking at a leaf while in that state, I easily feel myself as part of the leaf, and I think this is a biological as well as a psychic perception. At certain levels the body feels that way itself, although ordinarily we aren’t aware of it. Such a relaxation, then, is almost an extension of biological insight.”

Seth, from the 154th session for May 12, 1965: “Basically, the physical body has the potential for perceiving stimuli on a generalized basis. By this I mean that although the eyes are for seeing, the ears for hearing, and so forth, the potentials of the physical body include the capacity to hear, for example, through any given portion of the bodily expanse … Sound, then, can be felt as well as heard, although in such cases you may say that the sound is heard in the depths of the tissues; this, however, being an analogy … Ruburt, in feeling sound, merely experienced it from a different perspective.

(The first delivery for this session,4 running until break at 9:47, is deleted here since it contains much personal material. During it Jane spoke for Seth as usual. His last sentence before break was: “I will have something to say concerning Ruburt’s experience the other evening….” With that statement he referred to Monday night’s session, which had been an entirely personal one. Just before its start, Jane had had the self-conscious idea that she should rub between her eyes with a circular motion — “You know, where the third eye5 would be….” In the session itself she came through with material about herself on her “own,” without Seth, but in an altered state of consciousness in which she experienced many vivid subjective images, coupled with strong feelings of massiveness. Some of the images reflected internal states of her own body. I thought her very interesting way of acquiring the information represented another step in the development of her abilities.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] Hanging up, he closed his eyes and imagined energy being sent out from a universal source through his own body, and directed toward the person in need. [...]

[...] Your personal cluster of probable realities surrounds you, again, on a cellular basis, and biologically your physical body steers its own line, finding its balance operating in a cluster of probabilities while maintaining the focus that is your own. [...]