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UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

(10:36. Now Jane’s place slowed considerably. In the same high voice she began stressing as separate units many of the syllables of the words she spoke. This was reminiscent of Seth Two’s method of delivery, yet subjectively I felt differences. Also, Seth Two had usually expressed “itself” in the singular, whereas tonight’s material was coming through under the plural “we”:)All con-scious-ness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties. This is all we can clear-ly com-mun-i-cate with you now.”

In conventional terms, atoms are regarded as the submicroscopic entities making up all objects and substances in our world. Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. (An atom of hydrogen, however, is made up of but one proton and one electron.) All is in balance: The number of positive charges on the nucleus equals the number of negatively charged electrons. Note 24 for Appendix 18 contains a short discussion of the particle-wave duality involving the components of the atom. In Note 35 for the same appendix, I quoted Seth from the 702nd session in Volume 1; he advanced his own idea of interrelated fields versus particle-wave theory.

(I’ve already cited Jane’s experience, as given in Chapter 17 of The Seth Material, showing that on rare occasions Seth Two and her feelings of massiveness can go together; but she can also be in an altered, massive state of consciousness without having a session, or she can be speaking for Seth. Seth or Seth Two — obviously, when either of those qualities combine with her massive perceptions, then Jane knows a multifaceted trance state. In Volume 1, Seth devoted much of the 681st session to a discussion of probabilities, or, in sum, All That Is, and interwound Jane’s psychic and physical experiences with that material: “The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal … Part of Ruburt’s feeling of massiveness2 comes from the mass [life-to-death] experience of the body, existing all at once. Therefore to him the body feels larger.” Beginning at 11:10 in that session, see also Jane’s own comments on her massive responses.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] The idea of an infinitely expanding universe, with all of its stars ultimately burned out and all life extinct, is still the view largely accepted today; it’s based on the red shift measurements of some of the supposedly receding galaxies, their apparent brightnesses, the “missing mass” of the universe, and other very technical data. Yet I find it most interesting to note that now some astrophysicists and mathematicians believe our universe may be destined to contract — indeed, to collapse in upon itself — after all. [...] One of these is the discovery of at least some of that missing mass, thus indicating that gravitational fields may exist among the galaxies, and galactic clusters, strong enough not only to halt the expansion of the universe but to pull all matter back together again.

[...] From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. [...] Time and space need not be connected, however — that is, the attractions that exist between a reality and any given probability cluster may have nothing to do with time and space at all. [...]

Now: Dictation: As per Ruburt’s notes, each system of reality is indeed surrounded by its probable realities, though any one of those “probable realities” can be used as the hub, or core reality; in which case all of the others will then be seen as probable. [...]