4 results for (book:ur2 AND session:711 AND stemmed:world)
Your world, again, is the result of a certain focus of consciousness, without which that world cannot be perceived. Period. The range of consciousness involved is obviously physically oriented, yet within it there are great varieties of consciousness, each experiencing that seemingly objective world from a private perspective. The physical environment is real in different terms to an animal, a fish, a man, or a rock, for example, and different portions of that environment are correspondingly unreal [to each of those forms]. This is highly important.
Your experience of yourself marks the seeming boundaries of yourself. In a manner of speaking, I am one personality and one program or station. Ruburt is another. We have learned to be aware of each other* to communicate between stations, to affect each other’s programs and to change each other’s worlds. I do not speak alone to Ruburt and Joseph, for example, but my words go out to the world that you know. Still within your framework, Ruburt tunes in to another station, translates it and broadcasts the information. To do this, however, he has to alter his own consciousness, withdraw momentarily from the official station to bring in this one. That means tuning in to other portions of the psyche, as well as another kind of reality. The final translation of my material has to come through his organism, however, or it would be meaningless to you.
If an inhabitant from another reality outside of your own physical system entirely were to visit it, and if “his” intelligence was roughly of the same degree as your own, he would still have to learn to focus his consciousness in the same way that you do, more or less, in order to perceive your world. He would have to alter his native focus and turn it in a direction that was foreign to him. In this way he could “pick up your station.”1 There would be distortions, because even though he managed such manipulations he might not have the same kind of native physical structure as your own, of course, through which to receive and interpret those data his altered consciousness perceived.
New paragraph. While all of your own thoughts and feelings are “somewhere” materialized, only some of them become physical in your terms. They are then accepted as physical reality. They provide the basis for the physical events, objects, and phenomena upon which you all agree. Therefore your world has a stability that you accept, a certain order and predictability3 that works well enough for daily concerns. At that point you are tuned in precisely on your “home station.” You ignore the ghost symbols or voices, the probable actions that also occur, but that are muffled in the clear tones of your accepted reality. When you begin to travel away from that home station, you become more aware of the other frequencies4 that are buried within it. You move through other frequencies, but to do this you must alter your own consciousness.*
[...] Very simply, delta brain waves are connected with dreamless sleep, theta with creativity and dreams, alpha with a relaxed alertness and changing consciousness; beta — the fastest — with concentration, and with an intense focus upon all of the challenges [and anxieties and stresses, many would say] faced in the ordinary daily world.
[...] Each official waking brain wave is a peak in your world of a far deeper “wave” of other experience, and represents your points of continuity.
Despite your reliance upon one range only, your world of consciousness draws heavily upon all of the known wave patterns, and from others of which you are unaware. [...]
[...] One face looks out upon one world and one looks out upon another. Imagine, further, this poor creature having a brain to go with each face, and that each brain interprets reality in terms of the world it looks upon. Yet the worlds are different, and more, the creatures are Siamese twins.
[...] If anything, the personal advice I have given you both should add to your mental and emotional balance, and result in a stronger relationship with the outside world.
There is no danger, and I will repeat this: There is no danger of dissociation grabbing a hold of him like some black, vague and furry monster, carrying him away to the netherlands of hysteria, schizophrenia, or insanity … Withdrawal into dissociation as a hiding place from the world could, of course, have dire consequences. [...]
[...] My characteristics as they are displayed through the Seth personality, therefore, come from you as well as Ruburt … Triggers were needed also to initiate my emergence into your world through that personality I display. [...]