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UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 1/86 (1%) station programs psyche grocer characters
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 711: Tuning in to Other Realities. Earth Programming and the Inner Literature of the Mind
– Session 711 October 9, 1974 9:17 P.M. Wednesday

[... 75 paragraphs ...]

6. About Seth’s reference to the myths connected with his name: Set, or Seth, was an Egyptian god of evil (with an animal’s head) whose complicated origins could, it’s thought, reach back in antiquity to at least 7500 B.C. In Judaism, of course, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve, after Cain and Abel (Genesis 4 and 5). (As one correspondent wrote us: “Seth is also a Hebrew name meaning ‘appointed’ — i.e., the appointed one.”) However, some very early priestly genealogies omit Cain and Abel, and consider Seth as the oldest son of Adam; in the second century A.D., for instance, the Sethites, who were members of a little-known Gnostic sect, thought of Seth, the son of Adam, as the Messiah. Seth also shows up in writings of the ancient occult religious philosophy, the cabala, which was originated by certain Jewish rabbis who sought to interpret the scriptures through numerical values; the soul of Seth is seen as infusing Moses; he was to reappear as the Messiah….

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