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UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

Your world, again, is the result of a certain focus of consciousness, without which that world cannot be perceived. Period. The range of consciousness involved is obviously physically oriented, yet within it there are great varieties of consciousness, each experiencing that seemingly objective world from a private perspective. The physical environment is real in different terms to an animal, a fish, a man, or a rock, for example, and different portions of that environment are correspondingly unreal [to each of those forms]. This is highly important.

New paragraph. Basically, however, consciousness is freewheeling. Such realities therefore always exist — in your own psyche — outside of your “home station,” and some portion of your own consciousness is always involved in them. Period. There are bleed-throughs, so to speak, in the form of unofficial perceptions that often occur, or “impossible” events that are seemingly beyond explanation. (Pause.) For now think of your own psyche, which is a consciousized identity, as a kind of “supernatural radio.” All of the stations exist at once within the psyche. These do not come through with sound alone, but with all the living paraphernalia of the world. The “you” that you recognize is but one signal on one such station, tuned in to a certain frequency, experiencing that station’s overall reality from your own viewpoint — one that is unique and like no other, and yet contributing to the whole life of the station.

For example: Say that you have a certain Wilford Jones, who is a character in one of the soap operas. This Wilford, while carrying on within his own drama as, say, a sickly grocer in Iowa, with a mistress he cannot support, and a wife that he must support (with amusement) — this poor, besieged man on station KYU is also aware of all the other programs going on at the other stations. All of the other characters in all of the other plays are also aware of our grocer. There is a constant, creative give-and-take between the day’s various programs. Period.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] Throughout this period she did a great deal of other work: Besides holding class and continuing Rich Bed, she produced in their entirety Dialogues, Personal Reality, Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, and started Volume 2. Toward the end of this period the aspects channel began opening up regularly, providing further refinements on her original inspirations. [...]

[...] Seth conducted 83 envelope tests for Jane and me, and within a concentrated period of nine months during that “year of testing,” gave impressions for Dr. Instream on 75 occasions; those I mailed to the doctor as they came through.18 Often both tests were held during each of our twice-weekly sessions.

[...] Since Seth presumably wouldn’t simply relay such messages, would Jane find herself giving voice for a host of others, male and female, young and old, from many time periods and of the most diverse nationalities? [...]