3 results for (book:ur2 AND session:711 AND stemmed:deliveri)

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

(In the opening notes for the 711th session, I referred to Seth’s deliveries in ESP class on the previous evening, October 8, 1974. When Jane and I received the transcript of his material at next week’s class, we saw that it ran to five single-spaced typewritten pages. Seth talked about many things, but his remarks here, as I’ve put them together, mainly concerned a subject he’d first discussed with members of class just a week ago [on October 1]1 — the “city” they could start building in their individual and collective dream states:)

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

[...] She also took time to sing very delicately in Sumari, in contrast to Seth’s powerful deliveries. [...]

[...] Jane’s trance had been excellent, her delivery steady and rather quiet for the most part. [...]

[...] “He’s really going, though, I’m telling you,” Jane said, after remarking upon the shorter delivery. [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

Then in my note at 10:20 I wrote: “I thought it very interesting that Seth had talked about subatomic waves and particles in the last paragraph of his delivery tonight. [...]