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UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

(ESP class had really jumped last night. The 32 people crowded into  our living room enjoyed rich, active, loud, and even profane exchanges among themselves, with Jane, and with Seth. “Fuck you, Seth!” one girl screamed — which daunted that worthy not at all: Class members hardly agree with Seth or anyone else all of the time. As usual, Jane found herself learning along with her students. She also took time to sing very delicately in Sumari, in contrast to Seth’s powerful deliveries. All was recorded, of course. Class lasted from 7 P.M. until after midnight, and by the time it was over everyone involved was, if not exhausted, certainly well exercised emotionally. We’re to get a transcript of the evening’s Seth material at next week’s class.*)

(Smile:) The supernatural radio that is your entire psyche contains many such stations, however. These are all playing at the same time. It would be highly confusing in this analogy to experience or hear all of these at once, however, so different portions of the psyche tune in to different stations, concentrate upon them, and tune out the others for immediate practical purposes. Because these stations all operate within the same psyche or supernatural radio, the overall quality of the programs will have much to do with the nature of the psyche itself. Radios are wired and contain transformers and transistors. The overall reception is dependent upon the wiring and the inner workings of the radio — and (intently) those workings exist apart from the stations they are meant to pick up. In the same way, the “supernatural psyche” exists apart from the stations of consciousness that it contains. In this case indeed the psyche itself makes the radio, adding ever-new connections and stations.

For example: Say that you have a certain Wilford Jones, who is a character in one of the soap operas. This Wilford, while carrying on within his own drama as, say, a sickly grocer in Iowa, with a mistress he cannot support, and a wife that he must support (with amusement) — this poor, besieged man on station KYU is also aware of all the other programs going on at the other stations. All of the other characters in all of the other plays are also aware of our grocer. There is a constant, creative give-and-take between the day’s various programs. Period.

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

[...] Measuring and recording brain waves is a complicated task, however; not only is it important which areas or lobes of the brain are monitored — if not all of them — but because of the mechanical limitations of the EEG itself much that goes on in the brain is necessarily missed. [...] Presumably, however, when speaking for Seth, Jane would show definite changes in all frequency areas in both hemispheres, with the theta and delta ranges altered the most. [...]

[...] You would go to sleep to solve certain problems … There is an overall general difference, nationally speaking — that is, people of various nations do differ to some extent in their prevalent brain frequencies … All in all, however, the beta has predominated, and has been expected to solve many problems unsuited to its own characteristics.

[...] All of us experience such altered states of consciousness often throughout each day, so the phrase itself should hardly mean anything mysterious — even though others usually look at Jane or me questioningly if either of us uses it in conversation.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] For we are all portions of an event that is taking place within the universe, and the universe is acquainted with all of its parts. When one part of the universe speaks, then all parts speak. When one portion of the universe dies, all portions die — but in your terms, to get into the kind of life you know again, you must exit from space and time so that you can re-enter it.

[...] I will at all times demand integrity, and perhaps when all is said and done that is my only requirement. (Then to a friend of a friend of ours — both were present, and among the few to witness a session up to that time:) Excess enthusiasm can lead to fanaticism, and this at all costs must be avoided.

[...] Almost at once the new libido takes up its adopted duty of maintaining the physical universe, along with all others. [...] Cooperation on all levels is the necessity on all planes.

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

I speak to you from the known and unknown desire that gives you your own birth, and that speaks to you from the tiniest, least-acknowledged thought that flies like a pigeon within your skull … And in this moment of your reality, and in the desire of your being, do you even create All That Is. [...]